Transpose lines to column by id

I have a file with various rows for each id and I want to transpose some informations in column, in that way I will have 1 rows for each id.

ex :
I want to pass from this :
id / name / surname/ date_test/ result_test
1 / franck / wilson / 01-2002 / P
1 / franck / wilson / 07-2004 / N
1 / franck / wilson / 04-2008 / N
2 / annie/ mark/ 08-2001 / N
2 / annie/ mark/ 03-2005 / P

To this :
id / name / surname/ date_test1/ result_test1/ date_test2/ result_test2/ date_test3/ result_test3
1 / franck / wilson / 01-2002 / P / 07-2004 / N / 04-2008 / N
2 / annie/ mark/ 08-2001 / N / 03-2005 / P

I have first a problematic to transpose my row and then i don't know how to do that my column names about the test are named with the number at the end.

Thank you in advance for answering me!

The trick is to convert it first to a long table, so we can store the type of variable in there and then convert it to a wide table. Thanks to the pivot_wider function we can add the replicate ID we can calculate before:


input_data = tribble(
  ~"id", ~"name", ~"surname", ~"date_test", ~"result_test",
  1 , "franck" , "wilson" , "01-2002" , "P",
  1 , "franck" , "wilson" , "07-2004" , "N",
  1 , "franck" , "wilson" , "04-2008" , "N",
  2 , "annie", "mark", "08-2001" , "N",
  2 , "annie", "mark", "03-2005" , "P"

output_data = input_data %>% 
  # add a counter for the tests performed
  group_by(id, name, surname) %>% 
  mutate(test_rep = 1:n()) %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = c(date_test, result_test),
               names_to = "variable",
               values_to = "readout") %>% 
  pivot_wider(id_cols = c(id, name, surname),
              names_from = c(variable, test_rep),
              names_sep = "_",
              values_from = readout)

# A tibble: 2 x 9
# Groups:   id, name, surname [2]
     id name   surname date_test_1 result_test_1 date_test_2 result_test_2 date_test_3 result_test_3
  <dbl> <chr>  <chr>   <chr>       <chr>         <chr>       <chr>         <chr>       <chr>        
1     1 franck wilson  01-2002     P             07-2004     N             04-2008     N            
2     2 annie  mark    08-2001     N             03-2005     P             NA          NA      

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