I've got some data that roughly follows some f(x)
. To now show the difference against that function, I'd like to transform the coordinate system, so that the f(x)
line becomes the horizontal x-axis, and the (previously horizontal) y-grid lines become curves that are labelled on the right and left side of the diagram (like height lines on a map).
I looked at coord_trans
, but that only allows to give single-parameter functions for x and y transformations; I'd like some way to specify eg. 1-exp(-x)
should become the x-axis line, so the new y-coordinates depend on x as well.
The graph data (points and/or lines) and grid should get transformed as well, of course.
Is that already possible? Would it be enough to pass the x coordinate to the y transformer function as well to use it for coordinate translation?
Thank you for any help!