Tracking Racism In Canada
Authors: Jeremy Fan, Jennifer Walker, David Chan, Iman Bukhari, Megan Eichhorn
Abstract: The race related incidence in Canada dashboard is a visualization tool for race related incidences that occurred in Canada from 2018-2020. User are able to view a variety of plots that they can manipulate through click and drag and drop options.
Full Description:
Quantifying Racism in Canada, 2018 - 2020
Trends Reported from English-language mainstream Canadian Media 2018 - 2022
From 2018 - 2022, members of Canadian Cultural Mosaic Foundation are conducting a quantitative research project that tracks incidences of racisms and racialization in Canada. The project measures criminal cases, claims brought to Human Rights Tribunals and accusations of racisms and racialization that have all been reported to mainstream Canadian news agencies.
The experiences of racisms is not the same for everyone, as such, this study utilizes the anti-racism term "racisms" to express differences of experiences among racialized or Indigenized people. While many other reputable organizations have measured hate crimes in Canada, this project expands its analysis by including non-criminal incidences of racisms and racialization, wherein an individual or group of people raises concerns about racisms against another individual, group or institution. It is well known that not all incidences of racisms are reported to the police or are brought to a Human Rights tribunal. As such, this study reports on accusations of racisms by individuals and group.
The dashboard offers a comprehensive method to visualize these incidences of hate crimes in an effort to promote tracking and visibility of these race related incidences in Canada.
As this is a collaboration with the Canadian Cultural Mosaic Foundation, all usage of apps must be approved by the board members. Unfortunately, the board members have not approved the usage of RStudio cloud as of yet.
Keywords: research, racism, race-incidence, minority, crime, visualization, dashboard, Canada, First Nations, Aboriginal
Shiny app:
RStudio Cloud: As this is a collaboration with the Canadian Cultural Mosaic Foundation, all usage of apps must be approved by the board members. Unfortunately, the board members have not approved the usage of RStudio cloud as of yet.
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