Trableshoot with function ltraj for homerange

Subject: Issue with the ltraj function

Dear R Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I'm reaching out because I'm experiencing difficulties with the ltraj function from the adehabitatLT package in R, and I would like to request assistance in resolving this issue.

Problem Description: I have installed all the necessary dependent libraries for the ltraj function, as documented, but R still does not recognize the function in my session. When I attempt to use it, I receive an error message indicating that the function could not be found. I have checked the spelling and tried reloading the adehabitatLT package, but the problem persists.

Steps I've tried: I have verified the spelling and confirmed that it matches what is shown in the function help. The input data is in accordance with the recommended format, yet the error persists.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your guidance on resolving this issue.


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