Hi all,
today I've got a question related to preprocessing my dataset in order to do some topic modelling afterwards. Let's start with my current code:
# Create csv-Database
workingDir <- "/Users/flocke/Dropbox/Meins/FOM/Thesis/AmazonReviews/51558011"
myfiles = list.files(path=workingDir,
database = ldply(myfiles,
col_names = FALSE)
colnames(database) <- c("doc_id",
"text") # Review Text
# Create Corpus
amz_corpus <- Corpus(DataframeSource(database))
#Remove BS
toSpace <- content_transformer(function (x , pattern ) gsub(pattern, " ", x))
amz_corpus <- tm_map(amz_corpus, toSpace, "\xc")
amz_corpus <- tm_map(amz_corpus, toSpace, "\\\\")
amz_corpus <- tm_map(amz_corpus, toSpace, "[[:punct:]]")
amz_corpus <- tm_map(amz_corpus, toSpace, "@")
amz_corpus <- tm_map(amz_corpus, toSpace, "/")
amz_corpus <- tm_map(amz_corpus, toSpace, "&")
amz_corpus <- tm_map(amz_corpus, toSpace, "#")
#Cleaning up the text
amz_corpus <- tm_map(amz_corpus, stripWhitespace)
amz_corpus <- tm_map(amz_corpus, content_transformer(tolower))
amz_corpus <- tm_map(amz_corpus, removePunctuation)
amz_corpus <- tm_map(amz_corpus, removeNumbers)
#Remove Stopwords **<- Point of failure**
amz_corpus <- tm_map(amz_corpus, removeWords, stopwords('english'))
#Text stemming
amz_corpus <- tm_map(amz_corpus, stemDocument)
#Build term-document-matrix
dtm <- TermDocumentMatrix(amz_corpus)
m <- as.matrix(dtm)
v <- sort(rowSums(m),decreasing=TRUE)
d <- data.frame(word = names(v),freq=v)
head(d, 100)
I've get a bunch of errors like this:
Error in gsub(sprintf("(*UCP)\b(%s)\b", paste(sort(words, decreasing = TRUE), :
input string 61984 is invalid UTF-8
Inspecting the element mentioned above gives me the following output:
Metadata: corpus specific: 1, document level (indexed): 8
Content: documents: 1
\xc3 am not a h\xc3 p hop fun .\xc3 usally l\xc3 sten to jazz or jazz rock or reggea. but th\xc3 s album made me love the h\xc3 p hop.the lyr\xc3 cs w\xc3 ch are very overwhelm\xc3 ng and \xc3 mpress\xc3 ve.\xc3 t makes me happy \xc3 t puts me \xc3 n a good mood.\xc3 l\xc3 sten to \xc3 t every day and \xc3 am sure \xc3 w\xc3 ll never get bored of \xc3 t.thanks lauren thanks a lot
I've done some investigations and found out, that this might be related to all kind of weird special characters which I might get rid of first.
So my questions is: How can I get rid of them?
Many thanks in advance!