"Top 10 highest paid athletes in in the world in 2020-2021" - Shiny Contest Submission

"Top 10 highest paid athletes in in the world in 2020-2021"

Authors: Albetyny Badio, Guy Gérard Jean, Jessica Guillaume, Sadrac Jean-Louis

Abstract: This project is to know about the 10 athletes with the highest income in the world during 2020-2021.

Full Description: "Top 10 highest paid athletes in in the world in 2020-2021"

Keywords: dplyr,tidyverse,ggplot
Shiny app:
Repo: GitHub - Sadracjl/Projet-Shiny-final: This project is to know about the 10 athletes with the highest income in the world during 2020-2021.
RStudio Cloud:


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