I have three separate tm corpi (corpuses) named tdocs, ndocs, and bdocs . I would like to combine all the information into one corpus , called alldocs. What's the R code to do that?
Take a look to tm_combine()
I was unsuccessful trying to use the tm_combine function. I tried this code
alldocs <- tm_combine(c(tdocs, ndocs,bdocs, recursive=FALSE))
message on the console was
Error in tm_combine(c(tdocs, ndocs, bdocs, recursive = FALSE)) :
could not find function "tm_combine"
I'm using R version 3.6.0
tm version .7 - 6
Sorry it is not a function it is a method for c()
, following the documentation, after loading tm
you should be able to do something like this:
alldocs <- c(tdocs, ndocs, bdocs, recursive=FALSE)
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