I want to use the function decompose in my time-series data, a yearly dataset.
tsData <- ts(Clean_Data$`GDP Growth Rate (%)`, start = c(1960,1), frequency = 1)
then this is the result
Time Series:
Start = c(1960, 1)
End = c(2020, 1)
Frequency = 1
[1] NA 0.056165793 0.047731218 0.070604874 0.034469821 0.052658105 0.044259942
[8] 0.053241502 0.049454181 0.046563586 0.037646049 0.054286314 0.054467911 0.089206468
[15] 0.035581151 0.055647736 0.088066306 0.056020556 0.051721033 0.056396757 0.051489113
[22] 0.034232692 0.036193276 0.018746165 -0.073236826 -0.073066088 0.034167828 0.043116348
[29] 0.067525445 0.062053111 0.030369663 -0.005783347 0.003376030 0.021163072 0.043876233
[36] 0.046786922 0.058458735 0.051853623 -0.005767181 0.030819165 0.044112222 0.030492313
[43] 0.037162550 0.050869111 0.065692285 0.049425051 0.053164168 0.065192916 0.043444873
[50] 0.014483231 0.073345000 0.038582328 0.068969517 0.067505313 0.063479875 0.063483097
[57] 0.071494567 0.069309883 0.063414856 0.061185257 -0.095730299
So if I use the decompose function here
components.ts = decompose(tsData)
The problem is that I keep getting an error saying...
Error in decompose(tsData) : time series has no or less than 2 periods
I know that if I put 12 in frequency, this will divide my dataset monthly, and that's not what I want to happen.
My question is, how can I use the decompose function on a yearly basis?
Thanks in advance!