tidyverse: tidyCats - Tidy Methods For Categorical Data Analysis

I'm not sure exactly where to post this, but this forum seems like a good place to start.

Frequency tables need some Tidy Love :heart:

Tidy methods for quantitative data & models have advanced considerably, but there hasn't been much
development of similar ideas for "categorical data", by which I mean data that is often compactly represented
as n-way frequency tables, cross classified by one or more discrete factors.

I've written a draft vignette for the vcdExtra package, Tidy Methods For Categorical Data Analysis where I discuss this topic. I outline existing methods for creating and manipulating such frequency tables, fitting (loglinear) models and graphical methods, and suggest some ways that this could be brought into a tidyverse framework.

I'm hoping for some interest from tidyverse developers in making this long-time dream a reality,

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