Hey Everyone,
Long time follower/learner of the #rstats hashtag and various other places where R folks congregate online to help each other. disclaimer: I've never posted in any forum, so feel free to let me know if this is the wrong avenue for getting some help, but I'm having a problem that I can't solve despite several attempts to find a clear explanation.
Description of Data: I have a two very large data sets related to school finance and school districts. One contains 25 years worth of Actual School Finance data for every school district in Texas, comes from the Texas Education Agency, and has over 100 variables. The other has 50 years of Public Finance Data for every unified school district in the United States, comes from the U.S. Census, and has over 100 variables.
My question is: What are the best ways using the tidyverse
to measure change over time for a specific variable (i.e. change in property values) for every group of observations (school districts) (i.e. _between two points in time 1995 vs. 2015 _ or between all points in time from 1995-2015). I'm sure someone has good ideas, but I'm relatively new to the world of R and am still learning.
My goal is: to visualize change over time for a given variable by school district on a choropleth map of each school district in Texas (for the TEA data) and the United States (for the Census data).
Thanks in advance for any help! I'll try to contribute more to the community as I am able!
Subset Data Sample
~YEAR, ~STATEID, ~NAME, ~Reported.Enrollment, ~Average.Daily.Attendance..ADA., ~Total.Revenue,
2012L, 15901L, "Alamo Heights ISD", 4791L, 4528.251, 36869389L,
2012L, 15905L, "Edgewood ISD", 11822L, 10585.428, 96552441L,
2012L, 15910L, "North East ISD", 67208L, 63634.238, 484719766L,
2012L, 15915L, "Northside ISD", 97204L, 91223.485, 676759259L,
2013L, 15901L, "Alamo Heights ISD", 4805L, 4557.841, 37688165L,
2013L, 15905L, "Edgewood ISD", 11931L, 10618.405, 101029708L,
2013L, 15910L, "North East ISD", 67701L, 63932.903, 471328861L,
2013L, 15915L, "Northside ISD", 99426L, 93064.652, 693467943L,
2014L, 15901L, "Alamo Heights ISD", 4815L, 4557.153, 39636063L,
2014L, 15905L, "Edgewood ISD", 12059L, 10640.124, 105918783L,
2014L, 15910L, "North East ISD", 67986L, 64308.082, 493326195L,
2014L, 15915L, "Northside ISD", 101549L, 95202.712, 767956155L,
2015L, 15901L, "Alamo Heights ISD", 4760L, 4529.232, 40083066L,
2015L, 15905L, "Edgewood ISD", 11726L, 10625.8, 109926501L,
2015L, 15910L, "North East ISD", 67757L, 63844.451, 511662489L,
2015L, 15915L, "Northside ISD", 102950L, 96475.443, 804214714L,
2016L, 15901L, "Alamo Heights ISD", 4808L, 4588.662, 42354896L,
2016L, 15905L, "Edgewood ISD", 11279L, 9940.369, 112947815L,
2016L, 15910L, "North East ISD", 67501L, 63683.555, 533641434L,
2016L, 15915L, "Northside ISD", 104437L, 97952.067, 860866726L