Tidyr separate paired multiple columns and use first column value as column name

I have tidyr code to get me a table as shown below.on the left. I am trying to get to output on the right which can split/separate columns and use first column from the pair as column name for the 2nd column.


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I dont really have any code for it yet.
But this is what I would think of starting with...

dt <- data.frame(Group = c(rep("ABC1", 10),rep("ABC2", 10)),
           SubGroup = c(rep("XYZ1", 5), rep("XYZ2", 5), rep("XYZ1", 5), rep("XYZ2", 5)),
           A1 = c(rep("LMN_PQR1", 5), rep("LMN_PQR2", 10), rep("LMN_PQR1", 5)),
           A2 = c(rep("TUV_WXY2", 5), rep("TUV_WXY4", 5), rep("TUV_JKL3", 10)))

dt %>% 
  separate(A1, c("Col1", "Col2"), sep = "_", extra = "merge") %>%
  separate(A2, c("Col3", "Col4"), sep = "_", extra = "merge") 

The columns to be separated are variable and can range from several 10s to 100s. The first two are fixed.
So I am looking for a generalized loop that can take dt[,-1:-2] as input, separate them and for each separation make unique value from first column as header for 2nd col.

1 Like

I'm sure there is a more elegant way but in the mean while this works

dt <- data.frame(Group = c(rep("ABC1", 10),rep("ABC2", 10)),
                 SubGroup = c(rep("XYZ1", 5), rep("XYZ2", 5), rep("XYZ1", 5), rep("XYZ2", 5)),
                 A1 = c(rep("LMN_PQR1", 5), rep("LMN_PQR2", 10), rep("LMN_PQR1", 5)),
                 A2 = c(rep("TUV_WXY2", 5), rep("TUV_WXY4", 5), rep("TUV_JKL3", 10)))
names <- dt %>% 
    select(-Group, -SubGroup) %>% 
    head(1) %>%
    unlist() %>% 

dt %>% 
    transmute_at(vars(-Group, -SubGroup), ~str_extract(., "(?<=_).+"), ) %>% 
    rename_all(~names) %>% 
    bind_cols(dt[,1:2]) %>% 
    select(Group, SubGroup, everything())
#>    Group SubGroup  LMN  TUV
#> 1   ABC1     XYZ1 PQR1 WXY2
#> 2   ABC1     XYZ1 PQR1 WXY2
#> 3   ABC1     XYZ1 PQR1 WXY2
#> 4   ABC1     XYZ1 PQR1 WXY2
#> 5   ABC1     XYZ1 PQR1 WXY2
#> 6   ABC1     XYZ2 PQR2 WXY4
#> 7   ABC1     XYZ2 PQR2 WXY4
#> 8   ABC1     XYZ2 PQR2 WXY4
#> 9   ABC1     XYZ2 PQR2 WXY4
#> 10  ABC1     XYZ2 PQR2 WXY4
#> 11  ABC2     XYZ1 PQR2 JKL3
#> 12  ABC2     XYZ1 PQR2 JKL3
#> 13  ABC2     XYZ1 PQR2 JKL3
#> 14  ABC2     XYZ1 PQR2 JKL3
#> 15  ABC2     XYZ1 PQR2 JKL3
#> 16  ABC2     XYZ2 PQR1 JKL3
#> 17  ABC2     XYZ2 PQR1 JKL3
#> 18  ABC2     XYZ2 PQR1 JKL3
#> 19  ABC2     XYZ2 PQR1 JKL3
#> 20  ABC2     XYZ2 PQR1 JKL3

Created on 2019-08-30 by the reprex package (v0.3.0.9000)


Here's a way you can do that:
The script is more wordy than it needs to be to make it easier to follow.
Since I qualified the tidyverse functions you may not need to load them, or you can replace the 4 library calls with a single library(tidyverse) to load all of them at once.

dt <- data.frame(
  Group = c(rep("ABC1", 10), rep("ABC2", 10)),
  SubGroup = c(rep("XYZ1", 5), rep("XYZ2", 5), rep("XYZ1", 5), rep("XYZ2", 5)),
  A1 = c(rep("LMN_PQR1", 5), rep("LMN_PQR2", 10), rep("LMN_PQR1", 5)),
  A2 = c(rep("TUV_WXY2", 5), rep("TUV_WXY4", 5), rep("TUV_JKL3", 10)),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  1. Define a function that will take a column name from a data.frame, get the content of the first row, split by "_", take the first character vector result as new column name, and then proceed to separate the column (default is splitting by non_alpha character, as such it will split at the "_"). NA for the first column name will skip creating the column. [If you're in the same environment, you may be able to remove the second parameter, dframe and use dt directly. In that case also lose the corresponding argument to map_dfc.]
split_column <- function(col, dframe) {
  row1 <- dframe[1, col]
  new_col_name <- stringr::str_split_fixed(row1, "_", n = 2)[, 1]
  new_col <- dframe %>%
    dplyr::select(col) %>%
    tidyr::separate(col, c(NA, new_col_name))
  1. Build a list of column names without the first 2:

cols <- colnames(dt)[-1:-2]

  1. Then run the split_column function over all remaining columns with map_dfc, which returns a data frame with the combined columns:

new_cols <- purrr::map_dfc(cols, split_column, dt)

  1. Add in the original first 2 columns to create the modified dt:

new_dt <- dplyr::bind_cols(dt[1:2], new_cols)

And here's the result:

   Group SubGroup  LMN  TUV
1   ABC1     XYZ1 PQR1 WXY2
2   ABC1     XYZ1 PQR1 WXY2
3   ABC1     XYZ1 PQR1 WXY2
4   ABC1     XYZ1 PQR1 WXY2
5   ABC1     XYZ1 PQR1 WXY2
6   ABC1     XYZ2 PQR2 WXY4
7   ABC1     XYZ2 PQR2 WXY4
8   ABC1     XYZ2 PQR2 WXY4
9   ABC1     XYZ2 PQR2 WXY4
10  ABC1     XYZ2 PQR2 WXY4
11  ABC2     XYZ1 PQR2 JKL3
12  ABC2     XYZ1 PQR2 JKL3
13  ABC2     XYZ1 PQR2 JKL3
14  ABC2     XYZ1 PQR2 JKL3
15  ABC2     XYZ1 PQR2 JKL3
16  ABC2     XYZ2 PQR1 JKL3
17  ABC2     XYZ2 PQR1 JKL3
18  ABC2     XYZ2 PQR1 JKL3
19  ABC2     XYZ2 PQR1 JKL3
20  ABC2     XYZ2 PQR1 JKL3


Here's the script that I suggest that use rename_at function:


dt <- data.frame(Group = c(rep("ABC1", 10),rep("ABC2", 10)),
                 SubGroup = c(rep("XYZ1", 5), rep("XYZ2", 5), rep("XYZ1", 5), rep("XYZ2", 5)),
                 A1 = c(rep("LMN_PQR1", 5), rep("LMN_PQR2", 10), rep("LMN_PQR1", 5)),
                 A2 = c(rep("TUV_WXY2", 5), rep("TUV_WXY4", 5), rep("TUV_JKL3", 10)))
dt %>%
  rename_at(vars(-Group, -SubGroup), funs(map_chr(~str_split(.x[1], "_")[[1]][1]), .args = list(.x = select(., -Group, -SubGroup)))) %>%
  mutate_at(vars(-Group, -SubGroup), ~str_split(., "_", simplify = TRUE)[, 2])

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