When rendered as a tibble, time comes out in degrees, minutes, and seconds notation when hh:mm:ss is expected. When the specific column is displayed, the output is the expected format. Bug or user error?
I don't think it is either a bug or an error; I would call it a quirk. The class of the column is hms and difftime, as expected, and the underlying values are in seconds. Storing the same values in a vector does result in a, for me, normal display of the time, but the other characteristics are identical. I don't see that this will affect calculations in any way. Perhaps using ' and '' for minutes and seconds of time is common in New Zealand or wherever tibbles were born.
Perhaps you are correct and this works as designed. On the other hand, the Kiwi representation of time is hh:mm:ss (so says the wikipaedia) so I am leaning towards a rendering bug for tibble. You are correct that the rendering does not interfere with the use of the data, the structure is unchanged. I went back and tweaked the vector to make one of times include a non-zero hour ("03:05:25"), and, voila!, the rendering of the entire table is hh:mm:ss. I was hoping to see 03°05'25". It seems that the tibble is a bit inconsistent when it comes to rendering.