I am having a problem with coding a tri-variate threshold VAR model . I am using the tsdyn package to do the linearity tests and to find the threshold. The linearity tests doesnt work but thats a minor problem I couldnt find a package doing the general impulse response function for the threshold VAR modelling , so I use a piece of code I found on the internet and through my department by Alexander Haider.
So I get this error message when I try to create the GIRF (general IRF) of the threshold VAR model:
tv3 <- TVAR(z, lag=5, nthresh=1, thDelay=5, trim=0.15, mTh=2)
Best unique threshold 0.8378869
ImpulseResp <- GIRF(tv3, hor=20, shVar=3, n.hist=274, replic=100, ci=c(0.05,0.95))
Error in irf_1_shock_ave(object = object, shock = M$shock[[i]], hist = M$hist[[i]], :
unused arguments (hor = 20, shVar = 3, replic = 100, ci = c(0.05, 0.95))
Here is the code:
I processed the data as follows: Import and reshape the data , I create a 3 year lagged variable for the variables of household debt and non-financial firm debt as percentage of GDP and the gdp growth in quarters as a change to the former year's respective quarter
GDP <- read_csv("C:/Users/Fil/Desktop/Filer/Porject/Ny mapp/GDP.csv",
col_names = FALSE,
skip = 17)
hdebt.nominal <- read_excel("C:/Users/Fil/Desktop/Filer/Porject/Ny mapp/totcredit.xlsx",
sheet = "Quarterly Series", range = "AOG59:AOG336",
col_names = FALSE)
non_fins_debt_nominal <- read_excel("C:/Users/Fil/Desktop/Filer/Porject/Ny mapp/totcredit.xlsx",
sheet = "Quarterly Series", range = "AOK59:AOK336",
col_names = FALSE)
us.gdp.growth <- read_csv("C:/Users/Fil/Desktop/Filer/Porject/Ny mapp/GDP_growth.csv",
col_names = FALSE, skip = 29)
GDP$X2 <- as.numeric(GDP$X2)
us.gdp.growth$X2 <- as.numeric(us.gdp.growth$X2)
###Creating the lagged vairables and converting them to time series
GDP <- read_csv("C:/Users/Fil/Desktop/Filer/Porject/Ny mapp/GDP.csv",
col_names = FALSE,
skip = 17)
hdebt.nominal <- read_excel("C:/Users/Fil/Desktop/Filer/Porject/Ny mapp/totcredit.xlsx",
sheet = "Quarterly Series", range = "AOG59:AOG336",
col_names = FALSE)
non_fins_debt_nominal <- read_excel("C:/Users/Fil/Desktop/Filer/Porject/Ny mapp/totcredit.xlsx",
sheet = "Quarterly Series", range = "AOK59:AOK336",
col_names = FALSE)
us.gdp.growth <- read_csv("C:/Users/Fil/Desktop/Filer/Porject/Ny mapp/GDP_growth.csv",
col_names = FALSE, skip = 29)
GDP$X2 <- as.numeric(GDP$X2)
us.gdp.growth$X2 <- as.numeric(us.gdp.growth$X2)
## Making the lagged variables
hdebt.l3 <- hdebt.nominal[1:length(hdebt.nominal)]/GDP$X2[1:(length(GDP$X2)-12)]
non.fin.debt.l3 <- non_fins_debt_nominal[1:length(non_fins_debt_nominal)]/GDP$X2[1:(length(GDP$X2)-12)]
hdebt <- ts(hdebt.l3, start = c(1954,1), end = c(2023,3), frequency = 4)
n.fin.debt <- ts(non.fin.debt.l3, start = c(1954,1), end = c(2023,3), frequency = 4)
growth <- ts(us.gdp.growth$X2, start = c(1954,1), end = c(2023,3), frequency = 4)
### Plotting all variables #####################################################
png("hdebt.png", width = 700, height = 700)
plot(hdebt, ylab="", main="Household debt")
png("growth.png", width = 700, height = 700)
plot(growth, ylab="", main="Growth")
png("n.fin.debt.png", width = 700, height = 700)
plot(n.fin.debt, ylab="", main="Non financial debt")
z <- na.omit(cbind(growth, hdebt, n.fin.debt))
### Estimating the Threshold #####################################################
tv1 <- TVAR(z, lag=4, nthresh=1, thDelay=2, trim=0.15, mTh=2) # Time delay = 1 year = 4 quarters
### Plot the Threshold Variable with the threshold value #######################
# <- XX
Threshold <- 0.8361859 ## Threshold found at 0.8361 of GDP
png("Threshold.png", width = 900, height = 350)
main = "Threshold Variable: Household debt as percentage of 3 year lagged GDP",
abline(h=Threshold, col=524, lwd=1.5)
legend=c('hdebt','Threshold value'),
col = c("black", 524), lty=1)
### Linearity Tests #############################################################
test1 <- print(TVAR.LRtest(z, lag=4, mTh=c(1,1),thDelay=1, nboot=2, plot=FALSE, trim=0.15, test="1vs", model="TAR",na.rm=TRUE))
######################## Code by Alexander Haider ##############################
#res <- est.res(hor=20, shk=-1, replic=100, shVar=2, i =1, n.hist=500, ci=c(0.05,0.95), quiet=F)
GIRF1 <- function(res, hor=24, shk=1, shVar = 1, n.hist =500, replic=100, ci=c(0.95,0.975), quiet=F) {
if (!quiet) cat("Shocked variable:", colnames(res$model)[shVar], "\nShock Size:", shk, "\n")
#Regimes (NA is deleted later)
regimes <- regime(res)
#we need horizon + 1 residuals (+1 for current period) -> increase hor by 1
#we take a particular history (i.e. the lagged values of a specific point) in a regime and predict
#its current value and n periods in the future
#based on the model and th history--> increase horizon by 1
hor <- hor+4 ### I put 4 residuals in order to have a year
threshV <- which(res$model.specific$transCombin == 1) #which variable is used as threshold variable
datS <- res$model[,1:res$k] #get dataset
rownames(datS) <- 1:nrow(datS)
#starting positions for simulations --> sample of observations w.r.t. regime are saved in hist.pos
#in the end we start in period (hist.pos[,i]-1) in SimTVAR!
#hist.pos samples through observations according to their regime. But then we have to use the history
#of the observations to genearte the IR (thus we start in (hist.pos[,i]-1) --> therefore we also
#need hor+1 residuals)
hist.pos <- matrix(NA, nrow=n.hist, ncol=max(regimes, na.rm=T))
for (i in 1:max(regimes, na.rm=T)) {
regime.rows <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(rownames(datS[regimes==i,])))
regime.rows <- regime.rows[!is.na(regime.rows)]
hist.pos[, i] <- sample(regime.rows, size=n.hist, replace = T ) #sample through positions
#deleting NAs from regimes
regimes <- regimes[!is.na(regime(res))]
# Var-Covar of residuals
Sigma <- (t(res$residuals) %*% res$residuals) / dim(res$residuals)[1]
P <- t( chol(Sigma) ) #lower triangular (chol(Sigma) is upper triangular)
P.inv <- solve(P)
str_err <- t( P.inv %*% t(res$residuals) ) #structural errors (transformed back in SimTVAR function for sim)
#sample bootstrap residuals
#number of bootstrap residuals needed (replications per history * n.history * horizon)
boot_size <- replic * n.hist * hor
boot_sample <- array(dim=c(boot_size, res$k, max(regimes)))
for (i in 1:max(regimes)) {
#position of bootsample to keep observations together
boot_pos <- sample(x = 1:dim(str_err)[1], size = boot_size, replace = TRUE)
boot_sample[ , ,i] <- str_err[boot_pos, ] #samples
#results for each history will be saved here
avgDiff <- array(dim = c(hor, ncol(datS), n.hist), NA)
#final results -> girf and confidence intervals
girf <- array(dim = c(hor, ncol(datS), max(regimes)), NA,
dimnames = list(1:hor, colnames(datS), names(res$coefficients) ))
ci_lo <- array(dim = c(hor, ncol(datS), max(regimes)), NA,
dimnames = list(1:hor, colnames(datS), names(res$coefficients) ))
ci_hi <- array(dim = c(hor, ncol(datS), max(regimes)), NA,
dimnames = list(1:hor, colnames(datS), names(res$coefficients) ))
if (!quiet) prog_b <- txtProgressBar(min=0, max= max(regimes)*n.hist, style=3)
#simulate over all regimes
for (i in 1:max(regimes)) {
#simulate over all sampled histories within a regime
for (j in 1:n.hist){
startV <- hist.pos[j, i]
#get the residuals for specific history (size= replic * horizon)
resid_boot <- boot_sample[(replic*hor*(j-1)+1) : (replic*hor*j), , i]
#call simTVAR (second function)
resultDiff <- lapply(1:replic, simTVAR, res, datS, hor, shk, threshV,
shVar, startV, resid_boot, P)
avgDiff[, , j] <- Reduce("+", resultDiff) / replic #saving means of all histories of part. regime
if (!quiet) setTxtProgressBar(prog_b, n.hist*(i-1)+j)
#GIRF for regimes (final result) & Confidence interval
ci_lo[, , i] <- apply(avgDiff, MARGIN = c(1,2), quantile, ci[1])
ci_hi[, , i] <- apply(avgDiff, MARGIN = c(1,2), quantile, ci[2])
girf[, , i] <- apply(avgDiff, MARGIN=c(1, 2), mean)
if (!quiet) close(prog_b)
#return Value
return_val <- list(girf = girf, ci_lo = ci_lo, ci_hi = ci_hi, horizon = hor,
shockedVar = shVar, shocksize = shk, estres=res)
class(return_val) <- "girf"
#k=1; results=res;dat=datS;horizon=hor;sh=shk;shvar=shVar;history=startV; r_boot <- resid_boot; Pm<-P
simTVAR <- function(k, results, dat, horizon, sh, threshV, shvar, history, r_boot, Pm) {
#k...for apply function (index)
#horizon...impulse response horizon
#sh...shock size (in standard deviations)
#threshV...which variable is used as threshold Variable
#shVar...shocked Variable
#history...history of variable
#Bootstrap errors
boot_err <- r_boot[(horizon*(k-1)+1): (horizon*k), ]
shock <- c(rep(0, shvar-1), sh, rep(0,nrow(results$coeffmat)-shvar))
boot_err_delta <- rbind(boot_err[1,] + shock, boot_err[-1,])
#boot_err_delta <- rbind(shock, boot_err[-1,])
#Transform back -> Cholesky decomp
boot_err <- t( Pm %*% t(boot_err) )
boot_err_delta <- t( Pm %*% t(boot_err_delta) )
#simulation without addtional shock --> innov = resid
simul <- TVAR.sim(B = results$coeffmat,
Thresh = results$model.specific$Thresh,
nthres = results$model.specific$nthresh,
n = horizon, lag = results$lag, include = results$include,
thDelay = results$model.specific$thDelay, mTh = threshV,
starting = dat[(history - results$lag) : (history-1), ], innov = boot_err)
#starting = dat[(history - results$lag + 1) : history, ], innov = boot_err)
#starting = dat[(history - results$lag) : (history-1), ], innov = boot_err)
#with resid_delta
simul_delta <- TVAR.sim(B = results$coeffmat,
Thresh = results$model.specific$Thresh,
nthres = results$model.specific$nthresh,
n = horizon, lag = results$lag, include = results$include,
thDelay = results$model.specific$thDelay, mTh = threshV,
starting = dat[(history - results$lag) : (history-1), ], innov = boot_err_delta)
#starting = dat[(history - results$lag + 1) : history, ], innov = boot_err_delta)
#starting = dat[(history - results$lag) : (history-1), ], innov = boot_err_delta)
difference <- simul_delta - simul
plot.girf <- function(impR, response = 1, ci=T) {
impulse <- impR$girf
ci_l <- impR$ci_lo
ci_h <- impR$ci_hi
if (is.character(response)) suppressWarnings(response <- which(colnames(impulse)==response))
for (i in response) {
plot(impulse[ , i, 'Bdown'], type='l', ylim = c(-0.6,0.5),
main = paste('Response of GDP growth to a financial stress shock'),
ylab="response", xlab="horizon")
lines(impulse[, i, 'Bup'], col='blue')
abline(h=0, lty=4, col='red')
if (ci) {
lines(ci_l[, i, 'Bdown'], col='red', lty=2)
lines(ci_h[, i, 'Bdown'], col='red', lty=2)
lines(ci_l[, i, 'Bup'], col='red', lty=2)
lines(ci_h[, i, 'Bup'], col='red', lty=2)
if (dim(impulse)[3] == 3) { #3 regimes?
lines(impulse[ , i, 'Bmiddle'], type='l', col='green') #middle regime only with 3 regimes
if (ci) {
lines(ci_l[, i, 'Bmiddle'], col='red', lty=2)
lines(ci_h[, i, 'Bmiddle'], col='red', lty=2)
legend("bottomright",cex = .8,ncol=1, pch=20,
c("low","middle", "high"),
} else {
legend("bottomright",cex = .8,ncol=1, pch=20,
c("low", "high"),
lwd=c(2.5,2.5),col=c("black", "blue"))
### Generalized Impulse Response Functions #####################################
# Response of GDP growth to a Household debt shock
tv3 <- TVAR(z, lag=5, nthresh=1, thDelay=5, trim=0.15, mTh=2)
ImpulseResp <- GIRF(tv3, hor=20, shVar=3, n.hist=274, replic=100, ci=c(0.05,0.95))
impulse <- ImpulseResp$girf
ci_l <- ImpulseResp$ci_lo
ci_h <- ImpulseResp$ci_hi
Here is the error message on the linearity test I got:
test1 <- print(TVAR.LRtest(z, lag=4, mTh=c(1,1),thDelay=1, nboot=2, plot=FALSE, trim=0.15, test="1vs", model="TAR",na.rm=TRUE))
Error in TVAR.LRtest(z, lag = 4, mTh = c(1, 1), thDelay = 1, nboot = 2, :
unused argument (na.rm = TRUE)
The problem with the test seems to be that while I dont have any NA's in my processed data the test would not run if I dont use the argument na.rm without which the test doesnt run: this is the error code i get for the test:
test1 <- print(TVAR.LRtest(z, lag=4, mTh=c(1,1),thDelay=1, nboot=2, plot=FALSE, trim=0.15, test="1vs", model="TAR"))
Warning: the thDelay values do not correspond to the univariate implementation in tsdyn
Error in quantile.default(LRtestboot12, probs = c(0.9, 0.95, 0.975, 0.99)) :
missing values and NaN's not allowed if 'na.rm' is FALSE
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In FUN(newX[, i], ...) :
Tolerance reached, ndp possibly underestimated.
2: In FUN(newX[, i], ...) :
Tolerance reached, ndp possibly underestimated.
3: In FUN(newX[, i], ...) :
Tolerance reached, ndp possibly underestimated.
4: In FUN(newX[, i], ...) :
Tolerance reached, ndp possibly underestimated.
5: In FUN(newX[, i], ...) :
Tolerance reached, ndp possibly underestimated.
6: In FUN(newX[, i], ...) :
Tolerance reached, ndp possibly underestimated.
7: In matrix(mTh, ncol = 1, nrow = k) :
data length [2] is not a sub-multiple or multiple of the number of rows [3]
I suspect that for the test the First and last row of my matrix are identical that might be the source of the problem however I m not sure , as for the GIRF I m not able to find the sollution however much aI change the parameters and experiment, I cannot start to see what the problem for the GIRF , Help (I m a student)