Three.js Table with Country Geographic Information - Shiny Package |> Table Contest

Three.js Table with Country Geographic Information - Shiny Package

Authors: Anastasiia Kostiv

Full Description:
This project involves creating a dynamic 3D table using Three.js to display the geographic information of countries, specifically their names and areas. The interactive 3D visualization will be embedded into a Shiny web application, allowing users to explore the data in an intuitive and visually engaging manner.

Repository: GitHub - AKostiv8/threejstable

The concept for this project is inspired by an impressive Three.js example that visualizes the periodic table using CSS3D. This example can be found in the following Gist by Keith Morris. []


3D Visualization: Utilizes Three.js to render a 3D table, providing a unique way to present country data.
Geographic Information: Displays each country's name and area.
Interactive: Integrated into a Shiny package, allowing for user interaction and data exploration.
This project aims to combine the power of Three.js and Shiny to create an engaging tool for visualizing geographic information in a 3D format.

Table Type: interactive-Shiny
Submission Type: Single Table Example
Code: GitHub - AKostiv8/threejstable
Industries: Geographic.
Packages: GitHub - AKostiv8/threejstable

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