The 'Triple I' interactive results browser - 2020 Shiny Contest Submission

The 'Triple I' interactive results browser

Authors: Elizabeth Richardson, Andy Pulford, Mark Robinson, Jane Parkinson, Martin Taulbut, Neil Anand, Damilola Agbato
Working with Shiny more than 1 year

Abstract: Triple I ('Informing Interventions to reduce health Inequalities') is a modelling study that assesses how various interventions might affect deaths, hospitalisations, and health inequalities in Scotland. The browser we developed using Shiny allows users (e.g., policy makers and public health practitioners) to compare the interventions in a tailored way. It was designed to improve on the previous static presentation of the modelling results, which was difficult to interact with and produce bespoke visualisation and data extracts.

Full Description: NHS Health Scotland's Informing Interventions to reduce health Inequalities (Triple I) project is a modelling study that brings together the best available evidence to estimate how different interventions might affect health and health inequalities over the next 20 years. Our Shiny app allows users to browse, visualise, and download Triple I results for their area of interest.

Triple I came about because there are many separate pieces of evidence about how specific interventions affect the health of individuals, but relatively little evidence about how these interventions might affect health and health inequalities at the population level.

It is intended to provide national and local decision makers with interactive tools and interpreted findings to inform discussions and decisions about different interventions. The study will also be of use to anyone with an interest in improving population health and reducing health inequalities.

The interactive browser uses R Shiny, DT, plotly, and openxlsx packages to present the results in a user-friendly way, and to enable users to change various parameters of interest (location, health outcome, years of follow up, intervention types, targeting strategy, number to treat) to produce bespoke charts, tables and data downloads.

Category: Public Sector
Keywords: health, inequalities, public health, interventions, policies
Shiny app:
Repo: GitHub - Public-Health-Scotland/Triple-I-Shiny-site
RStudio Cloud: Posit Cloud


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