The system pdf viewer is non consistent

Hi, I have two questions here.

The first one is that I am unable to make open the pdf generated by rmarkdown. That is, although I change the default pdf viewer outside the rstudio. when I build the pdf, it is still opened by, which is the default viewer in mac. Also, I found the open command in the terminal of RStudio is not consistent with the outside one.

That is, when I use the command using the terminal in RStudio:
open xxx.pdf

The open function opens with the preview, the default one, but the mac terminal would open with the skim, the one I prefer.

I tried to restart everything, but nothing changed.

I'm currently using the newest version of everything.

Also, I found that I was unable to give a title to the document when using the extra_dependencies and compile with bookdown. I wasn't so sure if I should open another topic or not, if so, I would be glad to open another one.

Thank you so much for your help and patience in advance!:wink:

I think this is currently the expected behavior for RStudio IDE. It seems it force the use of Preview for pdf on Mac. See

You could open a FR in RStudio GH repo following there contribution guide if you want to suggest / discuss another way of handling this.

I'll also move this into RStudio IDE category

Yes you should open another topic for this question

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