The selectinput function doesn't display the whole list at once in the UI

The pickerInput function from the shinyWidgets package doesn't display the whole complete list of choices, the same thing happens with the original selectInput function from the shiny package. The image of what is happening is below.

Changed browsers from safari to chrome but still the same issue.
safari version 14.1 and chrome version Version 90.0.4430.212.
I also uninstalled and reinstalled shiny but same result. any suggestions please


code used is below

fluidRow(column(width = 3, id ="column_selector1"),
                         column(width = 9, id ="column_selector2",
                    splitLayout(cellWidths = c("25%", "25%", "35%","15%"),
                                #cellArgs = list(style = "padding: 5px"),
                                pickerInput("months",label = NULL, choices = months_list, multiple = T, selected = NULL,options = list(title = "Months",`actions-box` = TRUE,size = 10,`selected-text-format` = "count > 2")),
                                pickerInput("years",label = NULL,choices = years_list, multiple = T,selected = "2021", options = list(title = "Years",`actions-box` = TRUE,size = 10,`selected-text-format` = "count > 2")),
                                pickerInput("state",label = NULL, choices = states$state_name, multiple = T,selected = states$state_name, options = list(title = "State",`actions-box` = TRUE,size = 10,`selected-text-format` = "count > 2")),
                                actionButton("update",label = "Update",style = "bordered", color = "success")

There CSS code I used (I am a newbie to css)

#column_about_us,#column_selector1,#column_selector2 {
  background-color: #d5ebf2;
  border-radius: none;
  margin: none;
  height: none; width: none;
 /* box-shadow: none;*/
.col-sm-5{background-color: #ebf5f5;
                   /* border:2px solid #16c0f2;
                    border-style: outset;*/
                    border-radius: 5px;
                     margin: 5px 3px;
                      height: 200px;width: 24%;
                      box-shadow: 0 1px 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19);

Below is what I want to achieve.

Thank you in advance.


To help us help you, could you please prepare a reproducible example (reprex) illustrating your issue? Please have a look at this guide, to see how to create one:

Hello @nirgrahamuk,
Thank you so much for the reply surely I will rephrase my question very soon with the intention of helping those who come across this issue, but the above effect was caused due to use of the splitLayout function in code.

splitLayout(cellWidths = c("25%", "25%", "35%","15%"),
                                #cellArgs = list(style = "padding: 5px"),
                                pickerInput("months",label = NULL, choices = months_list, multiple = T, selected = NULL,options = list(title = "Months",`actions-box` = TRUE,size = 10,`selected-text-format` = "count > 2")),
                                pickerInput("years",label = NULL,choices = years_list, multiple = T,selected = "2021", options = list(title = "Years",`actions-box` = TRUE,size = 10,`selected-text-format` = "count > 2")),
                                pickerInput("state",label = NULL, choices = states$state_name, multiple = T,selected = states$state_name, options = list(title = "State",`actions-box` = TRUE,size = 10,`selected-text-format` = "count > 2")),
                                actionButton("update",label = "Update",style = "bordered", color = "success")

The best way to deal with it is to split the UI using columns in one fuildRow instead of using the splitLayout function.

Again I will find time and come back and make a better reproducible example.
Sorry if this is confusing at the moment.

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