The Modern Baseball Card - Table Contest Submission

The Modern Baseball Card

Authors: Kevin Kent

Abstract: This projects brings back the nostalgia of collecting baseball cards back to life with a modern twist. The workflow of this project starts with scanning raw images of 1998 Upper Deck cards, moves to processing, transforming, and extracting data from each card, and ends with visualizing the extracted data in an interactive Shiny app using GT and Formattable, with summary trend lines replacing the traditional baseball card 'Totals' line. With the Shiny tool, you can search for one of 224 players and experience an interactive new take on a classic table design.

Full Description:

Table Type: interactive-Shiny
Submission Type: Other
RStudio Cloud:
DT package used:
gt package used: true
reactable package used:
flextable package used:
huxtable package used:
kableExtra package used:
Other packages: Formattable