knitr has a great method of interacting with sql databases through sql chunks]( in a clean way with the SQL properly formatted in the body, but still able to have "some" r parameters passed to it via ?parameter. However, it doesn't allow the user (as far as I've found) to pass in vectors of values to mimic things like WHERE value IN (1,2,3,4) easily.
Thanks @jimhester, I'll look into doing that myself (though I suspect it might be a little beyond me). The package itself is very good, thanks for your work
TL;DR I assumed that install.github() would overwrite the cran install of the package, but it actually installed it in a secondary location, so both packages were available at different points in my .libpaths() list.
Your gist runs just as expected, and a slightly modified version runs on the Redshift cluster I am currently using.