The labels are not showing on the Gauge

Hello, I am trying to place the labels on the gauge using Plotly library, but I can't make it happen. Could someone point me in the right direction, thanks.

Find below the code and the screenshot of my result.


fig <- plot_ly(
domain = list(x = c(0, 1), y = c(0, 1)),
value = 65,
type = "indicator",
mode = "label+gauge+number",
label = c("Wages", "Operating expenses", "Cost of sales", "Insurance"),
gauge = list(
axis =list(range = list(0, 100)),
bgcolor = "white",
steps = list(
list(range = c(0, 60), color = "green"),
list(range = c(60,80), color = "yellow"),
list(range = c(80,100), color = "red")),
font = list(size = 24, color = "white", family = "Open Sans")

fig <- fig %>%
margin = list(l=20,r=30),
paper_bgcolor = "#0D0D0D",
font = list(color = "white", family = "Open Sans"))

Screenshot 2022-07-20 105431

type indicator does not support a label param and there is no such mode as label+gauge+number; so if additional text is needed you have to use a different approach, and there may be an appropriate one, but first please explain, where would these text labels appear in relation to your gauge chart ? Before I can try to write code to a solution, it helps to have a good visual image in imagination of what we are trying to achieve.

The most direct way available is to label the ticks, something like


fig <- plot_ly(
  domain = list(x = c(0, 1), y = c(0, 1)),
  value = 65,
  type = "indicator",
  mode = "gauge+number",
  gauge = list(
    axis =list(range = list(0, 100),
               ticktext=c("0: Wages","20", "40","60: Operating expenses", "80: Cost of sales", "100: Insurance")),
    bgcolor = "white",
    steps = list(
      list(range = c(0, 60), color = "green"),
      list(range = c(60,80), color = "yellow"),
      list(range = c(80,100), color = "red")),
    font = list(size = 24, color = "white", family = "Open Sans")
  )) %>%
    margin = list(l=100,r=100),
    paper_bgcolor = "#0D0D0D",
    font = list(color = "white", family = "Open Sans"))

Hello, thank you for your response. I would like the labels to be added to the different thresholds.

Below you will find a screenshot of the kind of gauge chart I am trying to achieve.

Screenshot 2022-07-14 220655

I anticipated that and provided an example, hope it helps you.

Thank you very much, yes it worked.

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