The Emotionizer - 2020 Shiny Contest Submission

The Emotionizer

Authors: Jason Jones
Working with Shiny more than 1 year

Abstract: This is a Shiny application built to help anyone that needs to quickly process text data from PDF documents. The original purpose of this application was to support text processing for large local government budget documents. Students at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG) used this application in one of their Data Science courses in partnership with Guilford County Government.

Full Description: This is a Shiny application built to help anyone that needs to quickly process text data from PDF documents. The original purpose of this application was to support text processing for large local government budget documents. Students at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG) used this application in one of their Data Science courses in partnership with Guilford County Government.

The application is intended to be very simple. You upload a PDF document and then promptly see some quick information about the text in the document. You then have the option to download two different versions of the text data from the PDF. One option is just a .csv file which includes all of the text indexed by page and the other option is a .csv file which includes the text joined with the NRC lexicon with associated counts.

Category: Research
Keywords: text, assistive, exploratory
Shiny app:
Repo: GitHub - jasonajones73/emotionizer: Shiny application for ingesting PDF documents and analyzing sentiment and/or emotion
RStudio Cloud: Posit Cloud


Full image:

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Very nice!

Any thoughts of excluding stop words from the summaries? I was getting a fair amount of "and the", "in the", and the like in some of the summary tables. I would want those in the full text for downloading, of course, but maybe not in the stats?

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Thank you! It was something I considered and would want to do personally but I didn’t want to impose that out of the box. When I made this I was trying to leave that open for feedback.

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