testthat output for warnings and errors

I'm developing a custom package and testthat/RStudio returns so much output from certain warnings and errors when I run tests that I can't even scroll to the top of the test output. This happens in the console and the Build window. It also happens when I run Check.

The issue is concentrated around code that uses library(furrr). When I run the code interactively, I get a modest message:

> synth <- synthesize(presynth)
Error in (function (.l, .f, ..., .progress = FALSE)  : 
  ℹ In index: 1.
Caused by error in `add_noise_kde()`:
! unused argument (alist())

I get a few hundred lines of output for each error/warning when I run devtools::test() or devtools::test_local(). I experimented with reporters but that ends up being a blunt force fix. I just want to understand how to minimize error and warning output in the default framework.

Well, that seems like an error in the package, so a different reporter is not going to fix that.

Obviously there is an error and I included it as an example. But the reporter returns so much output that I can't even scroll through to see which tests fail. I've been working around this for months but I want to find a better way.

Maybe I am missing something, but you don't need testthat to detect and fix errors that are not test failures. Run a small piece of code without testthat.

Perhaps your issue is the length of console output? then maybe something like sink()-ing the output to a file where its readable as txt? if the sole issue is ability to scroll around the results ...

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