test-coverage.yaml failes with update to version 4

I recently tried to update my code coverage GitHub workflow to version 4, but receive since then the following error:

Commit creating failed: {"message":"Token required because branch is protected"}

I used the latest test-coverage.yaml code from the r-lib/actions library on GitHub (actions/examples/test-coverage.yaml at v2 · r-lib/actions · GitHub). I also checked some other package and it seems like they don't have any problems with updating their GitHub workflows.

Does anybody have an idea what this error might be caused by?

Here is a link to the workflow run that failed: Fix github actions · entjos/JointFPM@636c6e7 · GitHub

You probably need to add a CODECOV_TOKEN secret to your repo. See the README at actions/examples at v2-branch · r-lib/actions · GitHub

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