Tabset navigation issue with Shiny/bslib


Hi all, I've got an issue with navigation within a shiny app that uses the bslib package. I have a button on a panel, that when clicked, should change the active panel in the app. It works fine, but there is a funky side effect where the tab link, which lives inside of a nav_menu() object, is displayed when the button is pressed. The sample shiny app code below demonstrates the problem. I am guessing that I'm just implementing this incorrectly out of ignorance, I'm pretty new to Shiny. What is the proper way to do this? This must be a common situation, but I'm not finding anything that speaks to it.



# Define UI for application that draws a histogram
ui <- page_navbar(
  id = "master-page",
  title = "My App",
  nav_panel(title = "One", actionButton("do_test", label = "Click me")),
    title = "Reports",
    align = "right",
    nav_panel(title = "Two", value="panel-2", p("Second page content.")),
    nav_panel("Three", value="panel-3", p("Third page content.")),

# Define server logic required to draw a histogram
server <- function(input, output, session) {
  observeEvent(input$do_test, {
    nav_show("master-page", "panel-2", TRUE, session)
  }, ignoreInit = TRUE)

# Run the application 
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

I'm not seeing that. This is what I see before I click the button:

This is what I see after clicking it:

Where do you see the tab link being displayed?

In your second screenshot, notice that the nav menu on the far right is expanded. I think that this is because that is the active tab and since it's in a menu, it is expanding. But this isn't a good user experience, so I'm trying to figure out how to suppress that behaviour.

Looks like a limitation in bslib. See here, which links to a bslib issue (including some code that might be usable to shut the menu after it drops down ... maybe).

Ah, that's interesting. Thank you. I can see why they do what they do from a UX/a11y perspective. I'll have to ponder the best way to handle it. Either a work around or refactor my tab navigation. Thanks for you help!

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