I am not sure if it is a bag of quarto but when i choose to position two tables side by side in a pdf document using gt, flextable or kable tables the numbering starts from three.
When I have tbl-cap-location: top the tables' numbering is correct.
Is it something easy can be done to fix this?
title: "two tables in Two Columns"
fig-pos: H
tbl-cap-location: bottom
pdf-engine: lualatex
documentclass: scrartcl
number-sections: true
editor: source
echo: false
warning: false
df1 <- data.frame(
ID = c(1, 2, 3),
Name = c("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"),
Age = c(25, 30, 35)
df2 <- data.frame(
ID = c(4, 5, 6),
Name = c("David", "Eve", "Frank"),
Age = c(40, 45, 50)
#| label: tbl-dfs
#| tbl-cap: dfs test
#| layout: "[[1,1]]"
Hi, welcome to the forum.
I don't seem to be able to reproduce the problem. I am getting this.

Is it what you wele expecting?
Not quite.
This is what I want to get, but the numbering is wrong. Also the table you generated it different from what I generate using gt or flextable packages

I thought my version was weird but as far as I can see I just copied and pasted your code. Copying .qmd code from the forum to R can be a bid dicy so I must have done something wrong.
I was expecting what you get but I've never done side-by-side plots in Rmarkdown. In LaTeX one would use sub-figures IIRC.
Well, back to the drawing board to see where I went wrong.
Just tried again and got this. Well, the caption is correct 

Once again to the {figurative} drawing board.
Enclose your qmd code in the original post with 4 backticks so we can see the 3 back ticks.
Quarto does not make it easy to find out anything about doing this! But I think I may have something. This post Side-by-side tables has a nice working solution. I have not found any way to move the sub-captions. Without them we are back to "Table 3".
If you want something without sub-captions, I think it can be done in LaTeX but I suspect not easily in Quarto though I could be missing the obvious.
My YAML is quite a bit different from yours but I think it still does roughly what you want.
title: "Quarto Example Document"
author: "john the toucanite"
date: today
pdf-engine: lualatex
format: pdf
- \usepackage{float}
- \floatplacement{table}{H}
```{r pkgs}
#| label: Load_packages
#| include: false
I think $\sqrt{a^{2}+b^{2}}$ is correct. Proceeding on from there, we now attempt the impossible in @tbl-hydra.
#| label: load_data
#| include: false
df1 <- data.frame(ID = c(1, 2, 3),
Name = c("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"),
Age = c(25, 30, 35))
df2 <- data.frame(ID = c(4, 5, 6),
Name = c("David", "Eve", "Frank"),
Age = c(40, 45, 50))
```{r plots}
#| label: make_plots
#| echo: false
alpha <- kable(df1)
beta <- kable(df2)
```{r hydra}
#| label: tbl-hydra
#| echo: false
#| tbl-cap: Hydra
#| tbl-subcap: ["Alpha", "Beta"]
#| tbl-cap-location: bottom
#| layout-ncol: 2
# table on the left
# table on the right
P.S. I strongly disapprove of a table caption at the bottom. It is unnatural. 
Ah, thanks. I thought there should be a way but never considered anything that easy.
I was missing the obvious. If I use {tinytable} to generate the codes rather than {kableExtra} do not get the sub-captions. I have not tried {gt}.
Unfortunately not. This is what I get
Somewhere along the way today I got something similar but the
layout-ncol: 2
seemed to cure it. You are in a Quarto document so there should not anything in your environment. I have been having a bit of a problem getting the @ label command to work at times but the table should have worked.
Try my {tinytable} version and see what happens
title: "Side-bySide {tinytable} Example"
author: "John the Toucanite"
date: today
pdf-engine: lualatex
format: pdf
- \usepackage{float}
- \floatplacement{table}{H}
```{r pkgs}
#| label: Load_packages
#| include: false
I think $\sqrt{a^{2}+b^{2}}$ is correct. Proceeding on from there, we now attempt the impossible in @tbl-hydra.
#| label: load_data
#| include: false
df1 <- data.frame(ID = c(1, 2, 3),
Name = c("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"),
Age = c(25, 30, 35))
df2 <- data.frame(ID = c(4, 5, 6),
Name = c("David", "Eve", "Frank"),
Age = c(40, 45, 50))
```{r tables}
#| label: make_tables
#| echo: false
alpha <- tt(df1)
beta <- tt(df2)
```{r hydra}
#| label: tbl-hydra
#| echo: false
#| tbl-cap: Hydra
#| tbl-cap-location: bottom
#| layout-ncol: 2
# table on the left
# table on the right
This is what I am getting.
I was not aware of tinytable package. I am using flextable mainly. It seems though that tinytable package provides the right table numbering. I may need to migrate to this package. I wonder though if this offers the flexibility of flextable.
I have just started using {tinytable} a couple of months ago but my impression in that it is rather versatile although I am not sure it offers all the bells and whistles of {flextable} or {gt}.
My impression has been that it is rather good for scientific tables. For one thing it makes adding table footnotes a breeze. The tutorial/manual is rather good too.
One peculiarity that I found is that {tinytable} seems intended to work with Quarto or RMarkdown. If you want a stand-alone table it will insist on putting the caption under the table!
To get it to put the caption an top you need to use this
tt(iris, caption = "Wild flowers") |>
style_tt(bootstrap_css_rule = "table{caption-side: top;}")
My thanks to @ keithn for this solution.
The tbl-cap-location
is a bit of a red herring. The problem is that each subtable is also incrementing the table counter. If you add another table, you'll see tbl-cap-location: top
has the same problem. The "second" table ends up being Table 4.
I think this is a Quarto bug. I've opened an issue at Subtables increment table counter in cross-referenceable tables in `format: pdf` · Issue #11867 · quarto-dev/quarto-cli · GitHub