Tables for Personal Finance (Ebenezer) |> Table Contest

Tables for Personal Finance (Ebenezer)

Authors: Deepansh Khurana

Full Description:
When I made the Hrafnagud project I recently talked about at ShinyConf (and am about to talk about at useR! in July and EARL in September), I also made several apps for myself to consume each API. The app and API for tracking my finances is called Ebenezer, named after the miserly Scrooge. My goal was to take each kind of financial instrument and make a table that fits well for it. Bonds work differently than Equity stocks, for example, and therefore, should be represented differently. The result was the following tables, which are now a part and parcel of my application.

More info

Table Type: static-HTML
Submission Type: Tutorial
Table: Tables for Personal Finance (Ebenezer)
Code: GitHub - DeepanshKhurana/PositTableContest2024: Entry for Posit Table Content 2024
Language: R
Industries: finance, personal.
Packages: reactable, reactablefmtr

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