Hi all!
I'm not exactly sure how to articulate this--but here I go!
I have two columns that I am using for filter criteria. The columns contain either "Mother" or "Father". Some columns have just Mother and just Father, while others have a mix.
pool <- c("Mother","Father")
parents <- tibble(
p1 = sample(pool,10,replace = T),
p2 = sample(pool,10,replace = T),
score = runif(10,1,7)
p1 p2 score
<chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 Mother Mother 4.35
2 Mother Father 5.03
3 Father Father 2.80
4 Father Mother 2.93
5 Mother Father 4.21
6 Father Mother 4.07
7 Father Mother 4.60
8 Father Father 1.59
9 Mother Father 6.08
10 Father Father 4.76
What I would like to do:
Translate the data so that the column only contains one or the other, while still maintaining the structure. If filter based on "P1" I should be getting a "Mother Score", and if I filter based on "P2", I should get a "Father Score".
If something is unclear, I am happy to elaborate--thank you!!