Hello- I want to output the following into a table with gt -
table95 <- svyciprop(~I(covered_prop==1), dclus1, method="lo", level=0.95, df=degf(dclus1))
5% 95%
I(covered_prop == 1) 0.417 0.285 0.56
This is what I'm trying to replicate, essentially, with the srvyr package -
#Standard error and proportion.
baro_unweightedpointcoverage <- df_child_level_baro_point_coverage %>%
as_survey_design(ids=grappe_no,) cluster number
#95% CI.
table <- baro_unweightedpointcoverage %>%
group_by(covered) %>%
summarize(proportion=survey_mean(vartype="ci", level=.95),
total=survey_total(vartype="ci", level=.95))