SVM model taking more time and results are not obtained even after 48 hours

The following code is executed to find the best model after performing tuning using cross-validation. But the model is still running even after 48 hours. is there any problem with the code. The data used in the model is having 62000 cases.

tuneGrid <- expand.grid(
  cost = c(0.1, 1, 10),
  gamma = c(0.01, 0.1, 1)

# Perform tuning using cross-validation
tuneResult <- tune(
  test_result ~ .,
  data = trainDataFull,
  kernel = "radial",
  ranges = list(cost = tuneGrid$cost, gamma = tuneGrid$gamma),
  class.weights = class_weights,
  probability = TRUE

# Best parameters
bestModel <- tuneResult$best.model

Is this using caret or e1071? There is a lot of detail not shown here and that would help.

The issue is probably that SVMs do not scale well with the number of rows in the data set.

Thanks for the response. Yes, I am using the library e1071.