Supported RStudio Desktop

Is the supported version of RStudio Desktop listed anywhere?
Is "RStudio-1.4.1717" supported?

What do you mean by “supported version”?

I would like to know if "RStudio-1.4.1717" is covered by the following support period.
Sorry if it is not clear.

The period during which the software can be used with confidence is the period during which the software is supported (maintained) by the manufacturer who developed the software and the user is able to receive support services.
During the period when the software is supported by the manufacturer, if any defects or vulnerabilities are found in the software, the manufacturer will create a correction program (sometimes called an "update program") to correct them and distribute it through the software support page on its website The manufacturer will then distribute the software updates on their website.
When a manufacturer releases a fix, users can apply the fix to their computers to keep their software up-to-date and reduce the risk of information security.
However, if the support period for the software has expired, the manufacturer will no longer provide a fix even if a defect or vulnerability is found in the software. If users continue to use the software, their computers will remain defective or vulnerable. This is a situation where the computer is at risk of being attacked from the outside, which greatly increases the risk of information security.

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