Support with Google Data Analytics Capstone Project: Cyclistic Bike-Share Analysis.

Hi All,

Great to be part of the community here!

I'm beginning to work on the Google Data Analytics Capstone project: Cyclistic Bike Share.

I would appreciate any suggestions you can provide to make this challenge smoother for those of you who completed it.

Currently, I'm stuck with which datasets I need to work with from the Index link since there are so many! The instructions say the 'last 12 months' but which year? I'm assuming the most current? Initially, I was thinking there is one or two comprehensive files I can download but it seems I have to download the individual months? I'd appreciate some help with this?

Also, regarding the code: What is the main code I need to use to 'wrangle' or consolidate the columns in the various datasets into a presentable dataframe?

Lastly, the instructions state to use Excel/Sheets initially, but I discovered the files are too large and have to use R. I'm assuming they did this on purpose since as DA's we have to be able to troubleshoot and improvise on the fly!..LOL.

Anyway, I greatly appreciate everyone who's willing to help me! :slight_smile:

Have a great weekend!

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