Hi there,
I have created a simulation which generates data with different lengths. Each iteration i
creates a dataframe with tibble(x1,x2,x3,a,b)
and puts it in a empty vector aggiter= c()
. I am trying to figure out how I can sum up, say, all of the third elements of x3
(that are present) across all of the matrices present in aggiter.
Just as an update in case anyone new (to this post) also comes across this, this may be helpful to illustrate what I am trying to do:
If I run the above simulation twice: I get two aggiter
data frames aggiter[[1]]
and aggiter[[2]]
Now when I call aggiter[[1]][[1]][2]
(and, the dataframe in [[1]] is tibble(x1,x2,x3,a,b)
I get the second element of x1
, so x1[2]
Now, what I am trying to do (for one example) is get the second element for all x1
's for all [[i]] in aggiter
, so that I can take the average of all those values, as in like "the average x1[2] value out of all the iterations"
Here is my setup and simulation that I am trying to aggregate the results of everything in the actual simulation works fine, I just am trying to aggregate the results of each iteration and do some averaging of elements across runs of the simulation:
D = 5 ## monetary value of harm from
maxw = 3
minw = 0
wbar = (maxw+minw)/2 ##average cost
xstar = 1 - wbar/(2*D) #true legal threshold given that the court does not create multiple rules for each cost type, but instead makes one for all types, based on the average.
iteration = (1:2) ## Number of periods in the iteration of the loop.
aggiter = c() ## Vector of matrices generated by the while loop that constitute an iteration of choices and legal threshold
aggnai = c() ## vector of matrices generate by the while loop that constitute an iteration of number of periods between accidents.
w1 = c()
w2 = c()
w3 = c()
#loop until all of x1,x2,x3 equal b or a
for (i in iteration) {
reset = {
t = 1
a = c() #lower bound of belief in xstar
b = c() #upper bound of belief in xstar
#w1star = runif(1, min = 0, max = 3)
#w2star = runif(1, min = 0, max = 3)
x1 = c()
x2 = c()
x3 = c()
x = c()
w1[i] = runif(1,min = 0, max = 1) #cost of effort for person 1
w2[i] = runif(1,min = 2, max = 3)
w3[i] = runif(1,min = 2, max = 3)
na = c() #number of periods that take place before an accident takes place.
na1 = c()
na2 = c()
na3 = c()
while (TRUE){
x[t] = 0
##Tortfeasors problem: pick the x that will minimize your cost --- piecewise optimization. First object is if (x<=a), second is if (a<x<b), and third is when (x>=b).
x11 = (1-(w1[i]/(2*D)))
x12 = ((2+b[t])-sqrt((b[t]^2)-2*b[t]+1+3*(w1[i]/D)*(b[t]-a[t])))/3
x13 = b[t]
c11 = (w1[i]*x11)+(((x11-1)^2)*D)
c12 = (w1[i]*x12)+(((x12-1)^2)*((b[t]-x12)/(b[t]-a[t]))*D)
c13 = w1[i]*x13
x21 = (1-(w2[i]/(2*D)))
x22 = ((2+b[t])-sqrt((b[t]^2)-2*b[t]+1+3*(w2[i]/D)*(b[t]-a[t])))/3
x23 = b[t]
c21 = (w2[i]*x21)+(((x21-1)^2)*D)
c22 = (w2[i]*x22)+(((x22-1)^2)*((b[t]-x22)/(b[t]-a[t]))*D)
c23 = w2[i]*x23
x31 = (1-(w3[i]/(2*D)))
x32 = ((2+b[t])-sqrt((b[t]^2)-2*b[t]+1+3*(w3[i]/D)*(b[t]-a[t])))/3
x33 = b[t]
c31 = (w3[i]*x31)+(((x31-1)^2)*D)
c32 = (w3[i]*x32)+(((x32-1)^2)*((b[t]-x32)/(b[t]-a[t]))*D)
c33 = w3[i]*x33
c1star = min(c11,c12,c13)
c2star = min(c21,c22,c23)
c3star = min(c31,c32,c33)
x1[t] = if(c1star==c11){x11} else if(c1star==c12 & (x12 < x13)){x12} else if(c1star==c13 || (x12 >= x13)){x13}
x2[t] = if(c2star==c21){x21} else if(c2star==c22 & (x22 < x23)){x22} else if(c2star==c23 || (x22 >= x23)){x23}
x3[t] = if(c3star==c31){x31} else if(c3star==c32 & (x32 < x33)){x32} else if(c3star==c33 || (x32 >= x33)){x33}
proba1 = function(x1){(x1[t]-1)^2} #probability of accident only given driver1's effort level.
probn1 = 1 - proba1(x1) #probability of not getting in an accident given driver1's effort level
proba2 = function(x2){(x2[t]-1)^2}
probn2= 1 - proba2(x2)
proba3 = function(x3){(x3[t]-1)^2}
probn3= 1 - proba3(x3)
while(x[t]!="x1[t]" & x[t]!="x2[t]" & x[t] != "x3[t]"){x[t] = sample(c("x1[t]","x2[t]","x3[t]",0,0,0),size = 1, replace = TRUE, prob = c(proba1(x1),proba2(x2), proba3(x3), probn1, probn2, probn3))
if(x[t]== "0"){
na[t] = na[t]+1
na1[t] = na1[t]+1
na2[t] = na2[t]+1
na3[t] = na3[t]+1}}
print("Driver 1 Accident")
na1[t+1] = 0
na2[t+1] = na2[t]+1
na3[t+1] = na3[t]+1}
else if(x[t]=="x2[t]"){
print("Driver 2 Accident")
na2[t+1] = 0
na1[t+1] = na1[t]+1
na3[t+1] = na3[t]+1}
else if(x[t]=="x3[t]"){
print("Driver 3 Accident")
na3[t+1] = 0
na2[t+1] = na2[t]+1
na1[t+1] = na1[t]+1}}
if (x[t]=="x1[t]"){x[t] = x1[t];x = as.numeric(x)} else if (x[t]=="x2[t]"){x[t] = x2[t];x = as.numeric(x)} else if (x[t]=="x3[t]"){x[t] = x3[t];x = as.numeric(x)}
probg = function(x,a,b){(b[t]-x[t])/(b[t]-a[t])} ### probability of being found guilty given x in the ambiguous region
probi = function(x,a,b){1-probg(x,a,b)} ### probability of being found innocent given x in the ambiguous region
rulings = if(x[t]>=b[t]){ruling = print("Not Negligent")
} else if(x[t]<=a[t]) {ruling = print("Negligent")
} else if(x[t]>a[t] & x[t]<b[t]) {ruling = if(x[t]<xstar){"guilty"} else if(x[t]>=xstar){"not guilty"}; show(ruling)}
if(ruling == "guilty") {a[t+1] = x[t]; b[t+1] = b[t]} else if (ruling == "not guilty") {b[t+1] = x[t]; a[t+1]=a[t]} else {a[t+1]=a[t]; b[t+1] = b[t]; print("thresholds unchanged")}
x = round(x,digits= 6)
x1 = round(x1,digits = 6)
x2 = round(x2, digits = 6)
x3 = round(x3, digits = 6)
a = round(a, digits = 6)
b = round(b, digits = 6)
if((a[t+1]==a[t]) && (b[t+1] == b[t]) && all(round(c(x1[t],x2[t], x3[t]),4) %in% round(x,4)) && ((x1[t] <= a[t]) | (x1[t] >= b[t])) && ((x2[t] <= a[t]) | (x2[t] >= b[t])) && ((x3[t] <= a[t]) | (x3[t] >= b[t]))){break} else {print("not equilibrium")}
t= t+1
if((a[t+1]==a[t]) && (b[t+1] == b[t])){print("pls r")}
if(all(c(x1[t],x2[t],x3[t]) %in% x)){print("pls 1r")}
if(((x1[t] <= a[t]) || (x1[t] >= b[t])) & ((x2[t] <= a[t]) || (x2[t] >= b[t])) & ((x3[t] <= a[t]) || (x3[t] >= b[t]))){print("pls 2r")}
x1[(length(a))] = NA
x2[(length(a))] = NA
x3[(length(a))] = NA
na[(length(a))] = NA
aggiter[[i]] = tibble(x1,x2,x3,a,b)
aggnai[[i]] = tibble(na,na1,na2,na3)
In case the simulation doesnt work.. here are some sample iterations
aggiter= c()
x1 = c(0.796399, 0.856540, 0.881432, 0.900808, 0.857664,NA)
x2 = c(0.695912, 0.788911, 0.827514, 0.857664, 0.857664, NA)
x3 = c(0.653771, 0.760512, 0.804842, 0.750000, 0.857664, NA)
a = c(0.300000, 0.653771, 0.760512, 0.827514, 0.827514, 0.827514)
b = c(0.950000, 0.950000, 0.950000, 0.950000, 0.857664, 0.857664)
aggiter[[1]] = tibble(x1,x2,x3,a,b)
x1 = c(0.87827, 0.91340, 0.92754, 0.92065, 0.92754, 0.92754, 0.92754, 0.92754, 0.92754, 0.92754, 0.92754, 0.92754, 0.92754, 0.92754, 0.85643, NA)
x2 = c(0.68152, 0.78534, 0.82775, 0.82965, 0.85643, 0.85643, 0.85643, 0.85643, 0.85643, 0.85643, 0.85643, 0.85643, 0.85643, 0.85643, 0.85643, NA)
x3 = c(0.67141, 0.77874, 0.82259, 0.82487, 0.77612, 0.77612, 0.77612, 0.77612, 0.77612, 0.77612, 0.77612, 0.77612, 0.77612, 0.77612, 0.85643, NA)
a = c(0.30000, 0.67141, 0.77874, 0.77874, 0.82965, 0.82965, 0.82965, 0.82965, 0.82965, 0.82965, 0.82965, 0.82965, 0.82965, 0.82965, 0.82965, 0.82965)
b = c(0.95000, 0.95000, 0.95000, 0.92754, 0.92754, 0.92754, 0.92754, 0.92754, 0.92754, 0.92754, 0.92754, 0.92754, 0.92754, 0.92754, 0.85643, 0.85643)
na = c(0, 28, 6, 57, 32, 24, 13, 92, 37, 32, 58, 17, 11, 40, 1)
aggiter[[2]] = tibble(x1,x2,x3,a,b)