sumatra as viewer option is not available in rstudio 2022.12.0 Build 353

I updated to the last rstudio version on windows and Sumatra is no more an available option as pdf viewer. Nevertheless the sumatra program is still installed in the app resources in the rstudio subdirectories. Can you please correct this or know somebody a way to choose a pdf viewer that is not listed in the options preferences ?
Best regards
Guy Hédelin

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I have the same issue. It is a major pain since sumatrapdf does not require you to close the pdf window before re-knitting.

I have experienced the same issue and I believe it to be a retrograde step. Sumatra has the advantage that a) it allows you to re-knit the document without first closing it and b) several pdf document can be open at once. The System Viewer does not appear to allow b).

I do not wish to make Sumatra the default app on my PC (running Windows 10). Could not Sumatra remain as an option for the PDF Previewer in RStudio on Windows PCs?

Regards, Chris

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