Sum of missing values

Hello Everyone,

Can anybody please help me to code/program the following situation?

I have three variables which are x1, x2 and x3. These variables have missing values in them. Now I want to generate a new variable x which will basically sum x1, x2 and x3 in the following way:

a. If there is no missing values in an observation of x1, x2 and x3, then x will show the sum of the three variables.
b. If there is only one missing value in either x1 or x2 or x3, then x will average the two existing values and multiplies it by three (Thus I am assuming that the missing value is the average of the two existing values)
c. x will show a missing value (NA) if there are two or three missing values in x1, x2 or x3.

Thank you very much.


Hi @Naveed,

Welcome to the RStudio Community!! :slight_smile:

I would like to help out; however, I have a question first. Do the variables x1, x2 and x3 each contain a single value? For example, would it be correct to say that we can have a situation in which x1 is equal to 5, x2 is equal to NA and x3 is equal to 12? I think that's the case from how I understand your post, but I need to make sure.

Hello Gueyenono,

Thank you very much for your reply. Really appreciate your intention to help.

Yes, you are correct. Each contain single value. Below I am giving an example of my data:

x1 x2 x3 x
1 2 3 6
4 3 NA 10.5
NA 8 3 16.5
2 9 7 18

I hope this will explain my data better.

Thanks a lot again.

Hi Naveed, welcome to the community!

A straightforward crude solution:

df <- data.frame(x1 = c(1, NA, 4, NA, 2),
                 x2 = c(2, NA, 3, 8, 9),
                 x3 = c(3, 8, NA, 3, 7))

apply(X = df,
      MARGIN = 1,
      FUN = function(t) {
        if (sum( = t)) > 1)
        } else
          return(3 * mean(x = t,
                          na.rm = TRUE))
#> [1]  6.0   NA 10.5 16.5 18.0

Created on 2019-04-02 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)

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Okay, I understand better now. In this case, you have a data frame (i.e. a table of data) with 3 columns (i.e. x1, x2 and x3) and you are trying to create a 4th column using the conditions that you stated in the original post. Let me start by replicating the data that you provided in your example:


# Create the data frame

my_data <- tibble(
  x1 = c(1, NA, 4, NA, 2),
  x2 = c(2, NA, NA, 8, 7),
  x3 = c(3, 8, NA, 3, 7)


     x1    x2    x3
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1     1     2     3
2    NA    NA     8
3     4    NA    NA
4    NA     8     3
5     2     7     7

Alright, now that we have the data, it is time to make the 4th column: x. The following code might be a bit intricate if you are not familiar with the purrr package, but I could rewrite it in a different way if you need. But, basically:

  1. First, I count the number of NAs in each row of my_data.
  2. Then, I implement the right calculation based on whether the number of NAs is 0, 1 or anything else.
my_data %>%
    x = pmap_dbl(list(x1, x2, x3), function(...){
      row_values <- unlist(list(...))
      number_of_NAs <- sum(
      map_dbl(number_of_NAs, ~ case_when(
        .x == 0 ~ sum(row_values),
        .x == 1 ~ mean(row_values, na.rm = TRUE) * 3,
        TRUE ~ NA_real_

     x1    x2    x3     x
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1     1     2     3   6  
2    NA    NA     8  NA  
3     4     3    NA  10.5
4    NA     8     3  16.5
5     2     9     7  18  

Here's another one that is dplyr dependent. The only tricky thing is that this rowSums(! counts the number of non-null columns in a row.


# Create the data frame

my_data <- tibble(
  x1 = c(1, NA, 4, NA, 2),
  x2 = c(2, NA, NA, 8, 7),
  x3 = c(3, 8, NA, 3, 7)

  mutate(x = case_when(rowSums(! == 1 ~ NA_real_,
                       TRUE ~ 3*rowMeans(.,na.rm = TRUE)

Hi Gueyenono,

Thank you very much for your response. Actually I am not familiar in working with purrr package. And somehow it is showing me error when I run the commands that you have given.

If you have time, then can you please explain in a bit detail? I wanted to attach my dataset here (just in case if it helps) but I cant upload excel file here.

Thank you so much.

Hey @Naveed,

A bit of advice for getting the best help possible. If you tried something, which did not work, it is always a good idea to post your code as well as the errors that you got. This will allow everybody to guide you in the right direction :slight_smile:

Did you install the dplyr and purrr` packages? If you did not, then run:

install.packages(c("dplyr", "purrr"))

Also, on top of your script, you should have:


So your script you look like this:

# Load useful packages


# Import the data (instead of importing the data, I generate it)

my_data <- tibble(
  x1 = c(1, NA, 4, NA, 2),
  x2 = c(2, NA, NA, 8, 7),
  x3 = c(3, 8, NA, 3, 7)

# Create the x column with the stated conditions

my_data %>%
    x = pmap_dbl(list(x1, x2, x3), function(...){
      row_values <- unlist(list(...))
      number_of_NAs <- sum(
      map_dbl(number_of_NAs, ~ case_when(
        .x == 0 ~ sum(row_values),
        .x == 1 ~ mean(row_values, na.rm = TRUE) * 3,
        TRUE ~ NA_real_

Hello Gueyenono,

Thanks for your helpful tips. I have run the following codes. Here I want to create the variable Employment from the variables Employment1, Employment2 and Employmen3.

Lesson3_WBData %>%

Employment = pmap_dbl(list(Employment1, Employment2, Employmen3), function(...){
  row_values <- unlist(list(...))
  number_of_NAs <- sum(
  map_dbl(number_of_NAs, ~ case_when(
    .Employment == 0 ~ sum(row_values),
    .Employment == 1 ~ mean(row_values, na.rm = TRUE) * 3,
    TRUE ~ NA_real_

But in the console, I get the following error:

Error: Evaluation error: object '.Employment' not found.

Thanks again Gueyenono


It would also be very helpful if you could make your data accessible to your potential helpers. If the data is too sensitive (e.g. because it's a company's data or something of the sort), it helps to try to recreate a similar dataset and provide the code you used to do so.

Can you share your data? If you are wondering how, you could save your data file in a cloud service (provided you use one) such as Google Drive, Dropbox or OneDrive and give us a link to download it.

Thanks a lot again. I am sure over time you will see more polished posts and replies from me.

Here is the link of my data:

Please do let me know if the link does not work and data cant be downloaded.

You are very welcome @Naveed. We all are on the long journey of learning :slight_smile:

Your file is an excel file so I am using the read_xlsx() function from the readxl package to import it. Also, note that there is a small typo in the column name for Employment3. Currently, it says Employmen3 (without the final t).

Alright, here is the code that does the job:

# Load useful packages


# Import the dataset and perform the computations

my_data <- read_xlsx("Lesson3_WorldBank Data.xlsx") %>%
    Employment = pmap_dbl(list(Employment1, Employment2, Employmen3), function(...){
      row_values <- unlist(list(...))
      number_of_NAs <- sum(
      map_dbl(number_of_NAs, ~ case_when(
        .x == 0 ~ sum(row_values),
        .x == 1 ~ mean(row_values, na.rm = TRUE) * 3,
        TRUE ~ NA_real_

And here is a snapshot of my_data with the relevant columns:

my_data %>%
  select(contains("Employ")) %>%

  Employment1 Employment2 Employmen3 Employment
        <dbl>       <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>
1    59.122        6.9750     NA         99.146
2    42.108       16.469      41.423    100.00 
3    35.806       21.976      42.217     99.999
4    21.606       NA          49.364    106.45 
5     0.18600     39.566      60.242     99.994
6     0.80800     34.078      65.113     99.999

I am not sure what your experience in R is but I highly recommend you read (i.e. study) R For Data Science by Hadley Wickham, which you can access for free at the following link:

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