Hi I'm pretty new to R and I'm working on a project for my first semester in grad school. I'm using European Parliament voting percentage as the dependent variable, indices and socioeconomic variables for the IVs. My research question is seeking to explain political movement away from the center in Europe. To do so, I'd like to explain the EP voting percentage of populist and eurosceptic groups, which are coded 1 or 0 from a dataset.
There are 134 observations of populist parties over 3 elections and 173 of eurosceptic parties. I would like to subset the populist or the eurosceptic parties. There is often overlap between the two, but I believe there are about 20 or so populist parties that are not eurosceptic, so I should have 193ish observations. But whenever I try to subset the data using: EU_NEW <- subset(EU_NEW, POPULIST == 1 | EUROSCEPTIC == 1) the new dataset only shows when both eurosceptic and populist = 1 (134 obsvs) , not the two variables' observations combined. I'm not sure if I worded this question well, so please ask any questions that might help, but what I would like to do is subset both so I can have a larger DV.