My team is planning to use RStudio connect for shiny applications. I installed connect in my server and deployed application.we are using trial version now for 100 users.
I have a doubt on this runtime settings for my application. I can set 20 as my Max processes, it is not allowing me to increase it. It means 20 concurrent users can access my applications, remaining have to wait for this first 20 ppl to finish their work.
My question is, why should I buy standard license which allows 100 users? Anyhow runtime settings not allowing me to update more than 20?
Please help me to understand this licensing concept.
We are so glad to hear you were able to install and deploy your application! Please feel free to reach out to our support team ( during your trial, as the trial gives full access to our professional support team.
Our enterprise advocates are also happy to help walk through some of these questions during your trial as well, so please feel free to reach out as you have questions!
In any case, R processes on RStudio Connect are not limited to a single user. Rather, Shiny sessions can be shared within a single R session (by default, a single R session is configured on Connect to peak at ~ 20 users). The actual configuration that is ideal for your application will vary, but you should generally not expect to need 1 R process per user (that would require up to 100 R processes!).