Students being asked to Upgrade Account to access assignments


My institution has purchased access to Posit Cloud for instructional use. I created a class workspace using the Institutional account and have given access to this space to the students in my class. For some reason when the students attempt to access the assignments, they are being prompted to pay to upgrade their account. This is very strange and concerning, because it seems to want everybody in the class to have a paid account, which doesn’t make any sense.

Please advise ASAP.

thanks, Anjali


I just wanted to follow up on this for anyone that comes across it in the future. The user created a technical support issue and we got it sorted out. The issue was a misconfiguration on the license for the institution's account. If anyone else encounters this in the future and you know that your license is NOT set up for student pay, please submit a technical support issue and we will get it straightened out as quickly as we can!

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