I am not sure it is the reason, but the error happened after I updated the tibble package.
Here is the problem:
I have a tibble, mydt
# A tibble: 5,704 x 5
ID L D S transformed
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <list>
1 0_0_70 0 0 70 <dbl [130]>
2 1_0_70 1 0 70 <dbl [130]>
3 2_0_70 2 0 70 <dbl [130]>
4 3_0_70 3 0 70 <dbl [130]>
5 0_1_70 0 1 70 <dbl [130]>
6 1_1_70 1 1 70 <dbl [130]>
7 2_1_70 2 1 70 <dbl [130]>
8 3_1_70 3 1 70 <dbl [130]>
9 0_2_70 0 2 70 <dbl [130]>
10 1_2_70 1 2 70 <dbl [130]>
I'd like to add a new column, "mdata", which should have three columns, one of which is from column 'transformed', for example:
tibble(Date = date, O=d.o, T = xxx$transformed[[1]])
# A tibble: 130 x 3
Date O$P_CDM T
<date> <dbl> <dbl>
1 2016-10-08 0 0
2 2016-10-15 0 0
3 2016-10-22 0 0
4 2016-10-29 51283 1981.
5 2016-11-05 0 0
6 2016-11-12 0 0
7 2016-11-19 0 0
8 2016-11-26 0 0
9 2016-12-03 0 0
10 2016-12-10 0 0
Here, Date is a date array, and d.o is a data frame
# A tibble: 130 x 1
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 51283
5 0
6 0
7 0
8 0
9 0
10 0
Previously, i have done
mydt %>% mutate(mdata = map(transformed, ~tibble(Date = date, O=d.o, T = .)))
Then I got error.
Error in map(mydt$transformed, ~tibble(Date = date, O = d.o, T = .)) :
'data' must be of class list or data.frame.
If I just run the map()
function map(xxx$transformed, ~tibble(Date = date, O = d.o, T = .))
, I got the same error.
The same process is error-free on the server, which still use the old version of tibble (tibble_1.4.2)
, the one on my local machine is tibble_2.1.3
, is that the reason? And what should I do to fix it?
I also take a close look for the code, with the old version, running tibble(Date = date, O=d.o, T = xxx$transformed[[1]])
will generate
# A tibble: 130 x 3
Date O T
<date> <dbl> <dbl>
1 2016-10-08 0 0
2 2016-10-15 0 0
3 2016-10-22 0 0
4 2016-10-29 51283 1981.
5 2016-11-05 0 0
6 2016-11-12 0 0
7 2016-11-19 0 0
8 2016-11-26 0 0
9 2016-12-03 0 0
10 2016-12-10 0 0
while using the latest version, it gives
# A tibble: 130 x 3
Date O$P_CDM T
<date> <dbl> <dbl>
1 2016-10-08 0 0
2 2016-10-15 0 0
3 2016-10-22 0 0
4 2016-10-29 51283 1981.
5 2016-11-05 0 0
6 2016-11-12 0 0
7 2016-11-19 0 0
8 2016-11-26 0 0
9 2016-12-03 0 0
10 2016-12-10 0 0
Notice the second column name. I want the name to be O
, not O$P_CDM
Than you very much, looking forward to help.