str_detect not working in Dplyr


I used this code before with no problems; however, the code suddenly doesn't work and the error states that "x could not find function "str_detect"". I've spent nearly three hours trying to remedy this problem to no avail. Could one of you awesome people please help me fix this issue? Dput and codes are below. Thanks in advance!!!


structure(list(p__Proteobacteria = c(44.80739, 40.906798, 36.558405, 36.811464, 39.400964, 40.114166, 45.910826, 43.132743, 30.13734, 27.733709, 26.72175, 31.261089), p__Actinobacteria = c(26.8194, 34.65128, 40.904322, 38.847046, 39.446097, 37.52348, 29.881262, 29.250962, 31.783038, 23.64134, 34.917946, 31.307556), p__Acidobacteria = c(8.48037, 6.600244, 5.934457, 6.608856, 5.889835, 7.567146, 5.794511, 6.665685, 10.615547, 10.708667, 8.988121, 11.794193)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("D15B", "D610B", "D15F", "D610F", "HR15B", "HR610B", "HR15F", "HR610F", "C15B", "C610B", "C15F", "C610F"))


upload data
phylum.dat <- structure(list(...

phylum.dat_subset <- phylum.dat %>% select(p__Proteobacteria, p__Actinobacteria, p__Acidobacteria)

Phylum_Diversity <- diversity(phylum.dat_subset, index = "shannon") #Shannon index

#Put raw data into long format
Phylum_Diversity_long <- (Phylum_Diversity) %>% tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "Plot")

#Add site column (ANOVA needs at least three rownames per site)
long_data_new <- Phylum_Diversity_long %>% mutate(Site = case_when(str_detect(Plot, "D") ~ "Decatur", str_detect(Plot, "H") ~ "Field Station", str_detect(Plot, "C") ~ "Cedartown", TRUE ~ "Unknown"))

Anova_Results <- aov(Phylum_Diversity ~ Site, data = long_data_new)


I would expect stringr library should be loaded as part of the above tidyverse load.
unless when you required tidyverse, errors were reported to your console ?

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