If I stop this code (clic on red button in R studio or close cmd window executing it), I want the waiter to stop turning with the illusion that the code is still running. best case senario, when I close the cmd I want the shiny browser to close.
# Define UI
ui <- fluidPage(
use_waiter(), # Include waiter dependencies
waiter_show_on_load(html = spin_3()), # Show spinner on load
titlePanel("Shiny App with Waiter"),
actionButton("load", "Load Data")
# Define server logic
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# Show waiter on load
waiter <- Waiter$new()
# Simulate data loading
observeEvent(input$load, {
Sys.sleep(2) # Simulate a delay
data <- head(mtcars)
output$data <- renderTable(data)
waiter$hide() # Hide waiter after loading data
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Thank you it worked! Can you share with me some ressources to learn about these things, I've been looking everywhere for the solution? Is it just about learning javascript? and how to know how to mix it with R?