I am trying to create a new RStudio.Cloud project that is linked to an existing GitHub repo. But something is eluding me...
I enter my GitHub user ID and password, but that fails to connect. I am assuming the failure is that I am using two-factor authentication on my GitHub account, and I need to go the SSH key route. (I've done this on my desktop, thanks to @jennybryan and the step-by-step method outlined in https://happygitwithr.com/.
But the cloud is a different beast, both in terms of installing git (do I need to do that, in a cloud service?) and the menu options in my RStudio window (the desktop has "File/New project...", whereas in the RStudio Cloud creating the project comes before seeing the IDE...)
If anyone can provide a step-by-step guide to connecting my project to my GitHub repo, the next time we see each other I'll buy you a beverage of your choice (beer, kombucha, the possibilities are endless...)