Hi, I'm trying to gganimate a map, I'm able to do a simple map using renewable energy data from the world bank but when in order to animate it I need to add the years variable in the dataframe, first I join the dataframes (geometry and data)with the years as the name for each column with the data and then I make a pivot longer to create one Value for each year and country. But after doing this when I try to plot the map with geom_sf, I get the following error: "stat_sf requires the following missing aesthetics: geometry" . Any idea? what am I doing wrong?
Here is my code :
url <-("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rodri45l/plasticwaste/main/trabajo_BigData_equipo/datos/renpwr.csv")
df <- import(url)
df_pwr<- df %>% select(-c(`Series Name`,`Series Code`)) %>% rename(sovereignt = `Country Name`,
`1990` = `1990 [YR1990]`,
`1991`=`1991 [YR1991]`,
`1992`=`1992 [YR1992]`,
`1993`=`1993 [YR1993]`,
`1994`=`1994 [YR1994]`,
`1995`=`1995 [YR1995]`,
`1996`=`1996 [YR1996]`,
`1997`=`1997 [YR1997]`,
`1998`=`1998 [YR1998]`,
`1999`=`1999 [YR1999]`,
`2000`=`2000 [YR2000]`,
`2001`=`2001 [YR2001]`,
`2002`=`2002 [YR2002]`,
`2003`=`2003 [YR2003]`,
`2004`=`2004 [YR2004]`,
`2005`=`2005 [YR2005]`,
`2006`=`2006 [YR2006]`,
`2007`=`2007 [YR2007]`,
`2008`=`2008 [YR2008]`,
`2009`=`2009 [YR2009]`,
`2010`=`2010 [YR2010]`,
`2011`=`2011 [YR2011]`,
`2012`=`2012 [YR2012]`,
`2013`=`2013 [YR2013]`,
`2014`=`2014 [YR2014]` ,
`2015`=`2015 [YR2015]`
df_pwr2 <- df_pwr %>% pivot_longer(cols = 3:28, names_to = "year") %>% transform(year = as.numeric(year),
value = as.numeric(value)
) %>% filter(year == 2015)
world <- rnaturalearth::ne_countries(scale = "medium", returnclass = "sf")
world_points<- st_centroid(world)
world_points <- cbind(world, st_coordinates(st_centroid(world$geometry)))
df_pwr2$sovereignt <- recode(df_pwr2$sovereignt,
"United States"="United States of America",
"Russian Federation" = "Russia",
"Venezuela, RB" = "Venezuela",
"Congo, Dem. Rep." = "Democratic Republic of the Congo" ,
" Congo, Rep."="Republic of Congo" ,
"Egypt, Arab Rep." = "Egypt" ,
"Tanzania" = "United Republic of Tanzania",
"Cote d'Ivoire" = "Ivory Coast",
"Yemen, Rep." = "Yemen",
"Iran, Islamic Rep." = "Iran",
"Syrian Arab Republic" = "Syria",
"Slovak Republic" = "Slovakia",
"Serbia" = "Republic of Serbia",
"North Macedonia" = "Macedonia",
"Kyrgyz Republic" = "Kyrgyzstan",
"Korea, Dem. People’s Rep" = "North Korea",
"Korea, Rep." = "South Korea",
"Lao PDR" = "Laos")
df_inner_pwr <- merge(world,df_pwr2,by="sovereignt",all=TRUE)
#First map
p <- ggplot(data = df_inner_pwr) + geom_sf() +
labs(title = "Gráfico 1: Mapa del mundo energias renovables",
caption = "Datos provenientes de World Bank")
p+ geom_sf(aes(fill = value, color =value)) + scale_fill_viridis(direction = 1, label = scales::dollar,begin = 0, end = 0.9) +
scale_color_viridis(direction = 1, label = scales::dollar,begin = 0, end = 0.9)
#Trying to gganimate the map
df_pwr$sovereignt <- recode(df_pwr$sovereignt,
"United States"="United States of America",
"Russian Federation" = "Russia",
"Venezuela, RB" = "Venezuela",
"Congo, Dem. Rep." = "Democratic Republic of the Congo" ,
" Congo, Rep."="Republic of Congo" ,
"Egypt, Arab Rep." = "Egypt" ,
"Tanzania" = "United Republic of Tanzania",
"Cote d'Ivoire" = "Ivory Coast",
"Yemen, Rep." = "Yemen",
"Iran, Islamic Rep." = "Iran",
"Syrian Arab Republic" = "Syria",
"Slovak Republic" = "Slovakia",
"Serbia" = "Republic of Serbia",
"North Macedonia" = "Macedonia",
"Kyrgyz Republic" = "Kyrgyzstan",
"Korea, Dem. People’s Rep" = "North Korea",
"Korea, Rep." = "South Korea",
"Lao PDR" = "Laos")
df_pwr4 <- merge(world,df_pwr,by="sovereignt",all=TRUE)
df_pwr6 <- df_pwr4 %>% pivot_longer(cols = 65:90, names_to = "year") %>% transform(year = as.numeric(year),
value = as.numeric(value))
o <- ggplot(data = df_pwr6) + geom_sf(data = df_pwr6, aes(fill = value)) +
labs(title = "Gráfico 1: Mapa del mundo energias renovables",
caption = "Datos provenientes de World Bank")
o + geom_sf(aes(fill = value, color =value)) + scale_fill_viridis(direction = 1, label = scales::number,begin = 0, end = 0.9) +
scale_color_viridis(direction = 1, label = scales::number,begin = 0, end = 0.9) + transition_reveal(year) +
labs(title = "year: {as.integer(frame_along)}")