Hello, new to R and RStudio here so please be kind
I have R for Windows 4.2.3 and Rtools 4.3 (5550-5548)
Yesterday I updated RStudio to version:
"RStudio 2023.03.0+386 "Cherry Blossom" Release (3c53477afb13ab959aeb5b34df1f10c237b256c3, 2023-03-09) pour Windows
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) RStudio/2023.03.0+386 Chrome/108.0.5359.179 Electron/22.0.3 Safari/537.36"
However, now I get the following warning at startup:
During startup - Warning message:
package ‘stats’ in options("defaultPackages") was not found
Error in inDL(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now), ...) :
unable to load shared object 'C:/Program Files/R/R-4.2.3/library/stats/libs/x64/stats.dll':
LoadLibrary failure: Le module spécifié est introuvable.
I verified that the path is correct and that "stats.dll" is in fact present. Also, if I can successfully run library(stats) command in R directly.
But RStudio I get:
Error: le chargement du package ou de l'espace de noms a échoué pour ‘stats’ in inDL(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now), ...) :
unable to load shared object 'C:/Program Files/R/R-4.2.3/library/stats/libs/x64/stats.dll':
LoadLibrary failure: Le module spécifié est introuvable
I now also get errors during package installation attempts:
WARNING: Rtools is required to build R packages but is not currently installed. Please download and install the appropriate version of Rtools before proceeding:
RTools: Toolchains for building R and R packages from source on Windows
Installation des packages dans ‘C:/Users/stbyp/AppData/Local/R/win-library/4.2’
(car ‘lib’ n'est pas spécifié)
I didn't any of those issues before yesterday. Please help!!