Stargazer package to create regression tables

Hi there,

I am facing a problem with the stargazer package. I am using this package very recently. I am trying to create regression tables using this package. The regression codes are working just fine. But when it comes to stargazer, I keep getting the error message that object type is unrecognised. Can anyone please help. The code is mentioned below:

form1 <- edu2_resp ~ dist.7 + fatalities.7
summary(glm(form1, data = nigeria6_results[nigeria6_results$edu2_resp != 99 , ], family = binomial(link = "logit")))
form2 <- edu2_resp ~ dist.5 + fatalities.5
summary(glm(form2, data = nigeria6_results[nigeria6_results$edu2_resp != 99 , ], family = binomial(link = "logit")))
form3 <- edu2_resp ~ dist.3 + fatalities.3
summary(glm(form3, data = nigeria6_results[nigeria6_results$edu2_resp != 99 , ], family = binomial(link = "logit")))
form4 <- edu2_resp ~ dist.10 + fatalities.10
summary(glm(form4, data = nigeria6_results[nigeria6_results$edu2_resp != 99 , ], family = binomial(link="logit")))
stargazer(form1, form2, form3, form4, title="Model 1A Conflict only", align=TRUE,

I do not think stargazer can do anything with just a formula. I believe you need to give it the glm results. My experience with stargazer is very limited as it does not support tslm models.

form1 <- edu2_resp ~ dist.7 + fatalities.7
logit.1 <- glm(form1, data = nigeria6_results[nigeria6_results$edu2_resp != 99 , ], family = binomial(link = "logit")))

Thank you so much for your reply.

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