Stacked Bar graph

I am trying to produce a stacked bar graph in percentage similar to this:
image. However, I want to stack 3 different questions in one bar graph. Anyone with an idea. I am new to R.

Q71	Q72	Q73
5	5	5
5	5	5
4	4	5
4	5	5
4	4	5
5	3	4
5	5	5
5	5	5
2	3	3
5	5	5
1      2    1
1      3     2

ccEFFECT <- solardata$Q7_1
ccEFFECT [ccEFFECT == -99] <- NA

ccEFFECTS<- factor(ccEFFECT , labels = c("Strongly Disagree", "Disagree", "Neither Agree nor Disagree", "Agree", "Strongly Agree"))
levels(ccEFFECTS )# how many levels of a categorical variable
str(ccEFFECTS )
summary (ccEFFECTS )

length(na.omit(ccEFFECTS ))
length(ccEFFECTS )
ccEFFECTfrequency <- table (ccEFFECTS ) #frequency
ccEFFECT_PERCENTAGE=prop.table(table(ccEFFECTS)) * 100

Q2EFFECT<- solardata$Q7_2
Q2EFFECT [Q2EFFECT == -99] <- NA

Q2EFFECTS<- factor(Q2EFFECT , labels = c("Strongly Disagree", "Disagree", "Neither Agree nor Disagree", "Agree", "Strongly Agree"))
levels(Q2EFFECTS )# how many levels of a categorical variable
summary (Q2EFFECTS )

length(na.omit(Q2EFFECTS ))
length(Q2EFFECTS )
Q2EFFECTfrequency <- table (Q2EFFECTS ) #frequency
Q2EFFECT_PERCENTAGE=prop.table(table(Q2EFFECTS)) * 100


perhaps share solardata in a forum friendly way.


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