Spotify Habits
Authors: Nico Hahn
Abstract: A small app showing what music i listen to on spotify in general and what i have been listening to more recently. also provides a bit of analysis on the artists and songs
Full Description: This is an app I built last year while playing around a bit with the Spotify API. It shows which artists I've listened to the most over the entire time I've been using Spotify, as well as the artists I've listened to more recently.
The same goes for songs which I've listened to the most over the entire time and more recently.
For both artists and songs, more information about the artist or songs is displayed when you click on the name/picture of the artist/song.
I've also included a small section showing how the type of music I listen to has changed over time, and I've tried to cluster songs based on their acoustic characteristics.
Oh, and there's also the option to create a playlist based on the songs I listen to most and recently.
Last but not least, unfortunately I haven't found a way to make this app available to everyone via a signup. So you would need to clone the GitHub repository, enable developer access on Spotify, create your own .env file containing your client_id and client_secret, and run it locally.
You can find simple instructions on how to do this in the spotifyr package repository.
GitHub - charlie86/spotifyr: R wrapper for Spotify's Web API
If anyone knows how to include authorisation, feel free to let me know.
Keywords: spotifyr, music
Shiny app:
Repo: GitHub - nicoFhahn/spotify_habits
RStudio Cloud: Posit Cloud
Full image: