November 18, 2021, 6:57am
I need some help to sort a vector.
DB Query returns a vector as below:
condition_choices <- c("Good", "Very Good", "Fair", "Poor", "Very Poor", "Not Assessed", "Discontinued")
condition_order <- c("Very Good", "Good","Fair", "Poor", "Very Poor")
The desired order should be:
condition_choices_ordered <- c("Very Good", "Good","Fair", "Poor", "Very Poor","Discontinued", "Not Assessed")
This should be done in a dynamic way to put the missing condition_choices (not present in the condition_order) at the end of the vector (no specific order for the missing ones).
condition_choices <- c("Good", "Fair","Discontinued","Very Good", "Fair", "Poor", "Very Poor", "Not Assessed", "Discontinued")
condition_order <- forcats::as_factor(c("Very Good", "Good","Fair", "Poor", "Very Poor"))
(overlap <- intersect(condition_choices,condition_order))
(leftout <- setdiff(condition_choices,condition_order))
(overlap_f <- factor(overlap,levels=condition_order))
(leftout <- factor(leftout))
(condition_choices_ordered_new <- sort(factor(condition_choices,levels=lvls_union(list(overlap_f,leftout)))))
Note that I made the condition_choices more 'interesting' by doubling up Fair and Discontinued.
Another solution but without factors along the same lines using match
in a separate function for use in e.g. dplyr
condition_order <- c("Very Good", "Good","Fair", "Poor", "Very Poor")
order_f <- function (condition_choices, condition_order) {
condition_order2 <- c(condition_order,
setdiff(condition_choices, condition_order))
match(condition_choices, condition_order2)
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
df1 <- data.frame(
condition_choices = c("Good", "Good", "Very Good", "Fair", "Poor", "Very Poor", "Not Assessed", "Discontinued"),
value = 1:8
) %>%
#> condition_choices value
#> 1 Good 1
#> 2 Good 2
#> 3 Very Good 3
#> 4 Fair 4
#> 5 Poor 5
#> 6 Very Poor 6
#> 7 Not Assessed 7
#> 8 Discontinued 8
df1 %>%
mutate (my_order = order_f(condition_choices, condition_order)) %>%
arrange(my_order) %>%
select(-my_order) %>%
#> condition_choices value
#> 1 Very Good 3
#> 2 Good 1
#> 3 Good 2
#> 4 Fair 4
#> 5 Poor 5
#> 6 Very Poor 6
#> 7 Not Assessed 7
#> 8 Discontinued 8
Created on 2021-11-18 by the reprex package (v2.0.0)
November 25, 2021, 11:26am
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