Some vertex names in edge list are not listed in vertex data frame

money_edgelist <- read.csv("/Users/Dharma/SNA_Tutorial/money_edgelist.csv")
A data.frame: 11 × 2

Ego Alter

Greg Maria
Greg Mark
Greg Lexi
Greg Grace
Greg Nick
Maria Mark
Maria Lexi
Maria Grace
Maria Nick
Mark Nick
Lexi Nick

attributes <- read.csv("/Users/Dharma/SNA_Tutorial/Hoffman_family.csv", stringsAsFactors = F)
A data.frame: 6 × 4|Name|Age|Gender|Role|
| Name| Age | Gender| Relation
| || ||
|Greg |53 |Male| Father|
|Maria |25 |Male |Mother|
|Mark |23 |Male| Son|
|Lexi| 23 |Female|Daughter|
|Nick| 14| Male| Son|

moneyNetwork <- graph_from_data_frame(money_edgelist, directed = T, vertices = attributes)

Error in graph_from_data_frame(money_edgelist, directed = T, vertices = attributes): Some vertex names in edge list are not listed in vertex data frame

  1. graph_from_data_frame(money_edgelist, directed = T, vertices = attributes)
  2. stop("Some vertex names in edge list are not listed in vertex data frame")

Please advise correct coding


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