Some icons not working in flexdashboard


I am trying to add icons to the navigation bar of a flexdashboard using the syntax:
# Page name {data-icon="fa-……"}

Most of the icons I want have appeared successfully, but one (fa-virus) is not appearing. Am I doing something wrong? Or is this because not all icons are compatible with flexdashboard? Is there a way to see the complete list of icons that will work? Or can I manually import my own file to use instead?

For reference, I’m looking for font awesome icons here.
I understand I can also use ionicons (prefixed ion-) and Bootstrap Glyphicons (prefixed glyphicon-), as explained here.

Thanks very much for your help :blush:

Usually when an icon not showing it is that is is not available. fa-virus is from 5.13 and flexdashboard depends on rmarkdown internal deps which is 5.1.0.

Now the HTML dependency is shipped in the fontawesome package (Easily Work with Font Awesome Icons • fontawesome) - not yet integrated by default in rmarkdown

This is tracked in Update Fontawesome font · Issue #1661 · rstudio/rmarkdown · GitHub

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