solution to reading .raw images into R?

I was really happy to read this post by SDStat:

because I am struggling with exactly the same problem!

mdsumner claimed he could solve it, but the answer was never shown.
can someone provide the solution to me?

many thanks!

or is there a way to contact @mdsumner directly?

You already did, by @name mentioning a person on a post, they get an email notification, just be aware of the @name mentioning policy to avoid a misuse of this feature.

You can try using the readRaw() function in hexView package.

readRaw(file, width = NULL, offset = 0, nbytes = NULL, machine = "hex", human = "char", size = switch(human, char = 1, int = 4, real = 8), endian = .Platform$endian, signed = TRUE)

Alternatively you can use the readBin() function.

@rhoutman put together an example and I'll do it, the key information in the other post is the screen shot of data-type, width, height, offset, gap, no. of images, little-endian etc. but what is missing is an example file.

readBin() does everything needed, you read raw numeric values from bytes in the .raw file, but then push them into a matrix() in the right order. I don't have any .raw files, but this is exactly what so many other raw-binary format files use it's a good skill to learn.

thanks for pointing that out.
I realised I forgot to add the @ in my original post.

I have tried to work with readRaw() (which I think is related to readBin as you and @Timesaver have suggested, and although it the arguments seemed logical, I couldn't reproduce an image that looked like it was supposed to.
Below is a screenshot of ImageJ settings that do result in the proper image as shown.

The original .raw file can be found here

This seems right, there's a lot to unpack (ha ha), I over-read and drop values rather than seek/skip into the file.

16-bit signed means 2-byte integers, offset means we have to skip so many bytes (but I think that is 18 values, not 20). Ironically those 36 bytes probably contain the information we need but you'd need more examples (or the spec.) to know.

  wh <- c(1384, 1032)

## I think the offset is 18, not 20 because"example.raw")$size/2 - 18
#[1] 1428288
#> [1] 1428288

v <- readBin("example.raw", what = "integer", 
             n = prod(wh) + 18, size = 2,  
             signed = TRUE, endian = "little")
v <- v[-(1:18)]  ## drop the offset bytes

## check the values
#> [1]  233 4095
## seems readable in this orientation
image(matrix(v, wh[1], wh[2])[wh[1]:1,], useRaster = TRUE, col = grey.colors(256))

Created on 2019-11-27 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)


this works beautifully! Thanks so much.
Since you are an expert on the way images 'work' I have another question because sometimes working with images it seems magic happens:
I tried to plot the data as tif file using:

tiff("output.tif", width=wh[1], height=wh[2])
image(matrix(v, wh[1], wh[2])[wh[1]:1,], useRaster = TRUE, col = grey.colors(256))

and the result is a tiif file with twice the size of the original raw file.
can you explain to me why that is?

well, your original data is 16-bit integers so the file is size prod(wh) * 16 + 18. When we plot in R we are assuming a colour model - i.e. we are mapping those raw numeric values to some way of encoding colours - as the ?tiff says

TIFF is a meta-format:
the default format written by ‘tiff’ is lossless and stores RGB
values uncompressed-such files are widely accepted, which is their
main virtue over PNG.

So, potentially for every numeric value we have a 3-bytes to encode RGB (0:255 along 3 axes), so we might expect prod(wh) * 3. Even though we used grey colours, those are expanded (redundantly) into RGB (all the axes have the same value, so greyscale - we have no way of knowing if our encoding is sensible for the data you have, we just stretched out white-to-black along the range of values you have in this particular file - you'd want a different data-value min-max to give absolute colours across all files).

There's some extra bytes for the TIFF format itself:"output.tif")$size
[1] 4285004
prod(wh) * 3
[1] 4284864

I don't know if tiff() can be used to produce greyscale (a single band), but it can compress so

tiff("output.tif", width=wh[1], height=wh[2], compression = "lzw")
image(matrix(v, wh[1], wh[2])[wh[1]:1,], useRaster = TRUE, col = grey.colors(256))"output.tif")$size
[1] 1467824

You would also have some axis cruft around the edges I expect, so use image(, axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "") to get the cleanest output.

Oh, also beware of useRaster - in this case it probably won't do any interpolation/resampling because you are targetting a device with the dimensions of your matrix (and no margin), but to be safe I'd set useRaster = FALSE, though it will be slower.

I don't know how to render more directly to image files, it's something I wish we could do more easily (magick has some ability here and maybe does what I'm talking about).

thanks so much for the clear explanation.
it took me a bit to process and test it al, hence the slow response.
I have something I can work with now.

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